Chapter 1

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(A.N. this is my first book and I'm a bit scared. I Dont really know what to write so I'm just going to go with the flow. I'm not the best of writers but I'm just going to give it a go. Please no hate. Sorry for the spelling and the disorganization of the paragraphs. If you see a spelling mistake could you please point it out. Thanks)

Chapter 1

not edited

~Leila's POV~

"Come on Storm" I say as my jet black mare props her legs over the jump. I heard the clop of her hoof on the rail "please stay" I quietly begged to myself. I turned around to find that it had stayed in its place. yesss I cheered in my head and I let out a breath that I Didnt realize I was holding.

Ok Lets start from the beginning. My name is Leila Miller and I am 15 years old and completely horse mad. I have a 16 hh black Thoughbred mare called Storm. Storm is 7 years old and a real sweety. I have had her for about a year now. We are practicing for the annual Star Horse Show and right now we seem to be doing ok. I have entered her in the jumping 1 meatre  class as well as a bit of the showing.

I slowed her to a walk to give her a break as I heard my mums car rumbling down the drive. she wound down the window and stopped by me  "I'm just going to the supermarket I'll be back soon"

"ok mum bye love you"

"love you to sweetheart"

People say we look alike. We both have long blonde hair. Mine is a bit more curly though. We both have blue eyes and we are both short. I have really dark and long eyelashes though. I get them off of my dads side.

I got pulled out of my dreaming as a familiar tone of my cellphone ringing. I took it out of my bra and looked at the caller ID. Jessy. Haha Jess Brown  is my best friend and we have been friends since like forever. I answered the phone.

"hey what's up? I'm practicing and shouldn't you be too?" I asked her. "Leila Leila Leila!! I'm coming over with Jack I have to tell you something!" she was yelling through the phone so loud that I had to pull the phone away from my ear a bit. Oh and Black Jack is her horse. He is a 16hh black Morgan X thoroughbred gelding and he is best friends with Storm.

"Are you ok?" I asked with worry.

"Yea don't worry its nothing bad Meet me at the rock ok?" 

"ok bye see you soon"

Jess lived about 10 minutes away from me but there was this track that connects from my house to her house and at the middle the was this big rock and a little stream. That's mine and Jess' place. We allways have picnics with Storm and Jack. we made a little paddock with electric tape to them to go in while we eat and stuff. Another track that came off our one led to a cross county course and a few paddocks and a little cottage. Mrs Dabney lived there and she is this widowed old lady who used to have horses back in her day. she let's us ride there whenever we want. When we go there she is allways happy to see us.

"Come on Storm we had better go now" I sped her up to a trot then a canter and turned down the track. the noise her shoes made on the gravel made me smile and realize how lucky I am to have a horse.

_-_-_-_-_~5 minutes later~_-_-_-_-_

"Jess what's all this about? I'm meant to be practicing"

"Yea well so am I but ohmegohd guess what!!" she exclaimed very excitedly

"what?" I mimicked her high pitched tone

"Matthew finally asked me out!! he is also taking me to the movies on Friday....." she kept on rambling on.

"Omg yay I'm so happy for you"

I wasn't lying I was happy but I couldn't help but feel a bit of envy.

My phone started ringing and I grabbed it back out of my jersey pocket and looked at the caller ID Unknown Number. who could this be? I answered it "hel-" before I could finish a mans voice cut me off

"Leila Miller?" he asked

"yes thats me"

"I'm sorry to inform you but your mums been in a car accident and she is in a critical state"

I felt all the blood drain from my body. and that's when it happened. everything started going all black. I felt falling,falling, falling then... nothing.


I know It suck but I hope you like it :)

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