Chapter 2

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~A.N. hey guys whatca been up to?

So this is the second part and I'm sort of starting to get a plan in my head if what's going to happen. well by for now :)~

Chapter 2

Leilas POV

Where am I? Everything was all dark and I couldn't see. Slowly my eyes started to adjust and I could see a light at the end of wherever I am. I started running to the end. It was getting closer....and closer.... and closer......

beep.....beep..... beep. my eyes flicked open. Now where am I? I seen a girl around the age of 5 and some man sitting on chairs by my bed. wait...

a bed?

I was in a hospital

the little girl looked at me

"Daddy she's awake" she said to the man. Wait I know that face. This man was my father. And the girl was my sister Metisse.

This might be the time to tell you that a year ago my mum and dad split up. Dad got Storm for me then buggered off somewhere with Metisse and we never heard from him again. I kept getting $50 in the mail every week. the back of the envelopes Didnt say who or where it was sent from but I assumed it was from Dad.

He got to his feet and said "Leila. Hey honey how are you feeling?"

At this time the little girl jumped off her chair and raced over to me "Leila Leila did you miss us?"

"of course I did. wow you look so grown up " I wrapped her up in a bear hug. i let go and she scrambled to get up onto the bed with me so I lifted her up. I looked up at my Dad "Hi Dad what happened? why am I in the hospital? why are you guys here? where's mum?" "you blacked out and fell off Storm and hit your head. you have been asleep for 2 days. Jess was here but she just went to go get food" that's when everything started flooding back.

"Is mum ok?" I asked Dad. he looked at me with sad eyes

"no darling she died. I'm so sorry"


-_-_-_-_-_-_2 days later_-_-_-_-_-_-

They kept me in longer because I wouldn't eat. The only thing I done was lay in the hospital bed steering at the ceiling. I had cried so much lately that I just couldn't cry anymore. I felt numb.

The next day I had a sudden urge to eat and get out of bed. I asked dad to take me to see Storm and he said he would ask. About 5 minutes later he came back with some clothes.

"what are those for?" I asked him

"do you want to go out in that...thing. It shows your ass. I know from experience. When you get out of bed you will see." I heard him do a deep belly laugh. This was the dad that I missed. when he was with mum they were always arguing  about the littlest things.

"ok well I'm not getting dressed with you here so can you please hop out."

he quickly exited the room as I got dressed into whatever he go me. oh its not bad I thought to myself as i ran my eyes over lilac purple skinny jeans and a black tank top.

Once I was dressed i went out to find Dad filled out the leaving forums so we could go straight away.

"where's Metisse?" I asked

"oh she's with Jasmine" he replied

jasmine was Jess little sister. she was Metisse best friend when they were here.

by then we had got to Dads car

"Wow a Lamborghini" I exclaimed I plonked onto the leather seat. wow so comfy



"yo-you will be umm... coming to live with me and Metisse in Miami"

"Yea I kinda figured"

"we leave tomorrow and storm will be coming with us"

"REALLY? omg I thought I would have to leave my baby behind at Jess' YAY!"

"I love you Leila"

I stared at him in surprise

"I-i love you to dad" I stuttered

~im not very happy with this chapter but its 4 in the morning and I haven't been to sleep yet. I'm sorry its so boring it will become move interesting once I get into it and I'm sorry its so short but like I said its 4 in the morning and I tried *yawn* goodnight wattpad or should I say goodmorning.~

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