♪ Chapter 4 ~『 Explanation 』♪

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Shroomie was playing her Nintendo Switch in the living room as she was waiting for Eliza. She then heard footsteps and the door slam open. She looks up and saw Eliza panting. "I guess you were running home?" Shroomie asked as Eliza nodded catching her breath and flop herself on the couch. "Okay... so about the explanation you were going to do?" Eliza light up as she heard 'explanation' but asked. "Do you want to a long or short version?" Shroomie just said 'the short version' but sounds more of a question than an answer.

"So I found this 'odd' manhole a few months ago and I decided to check it out since I'm a curious inkling. As I did I went into Mario world and met Iggy the Koopa and hung out with him for a few months and just today he confessed to me." Eliza said in one breath. Shroomie was shocked now that she knows why she hasn't seen Eliza for the last couple of months.

"That.... that is so cool!!! But how did you know that the manhole you found was 'odd'?" Eliza just shrugged and said, "The lid was open so...." Then there was silence. "Well, I gotta get home soon. It's getting dark. See you tomorrow!" Shroomie said as she head of the door. "Okay bye!!" Eliza said while waving her friend goodbye.

After Shroomie left, Eliza makes herself dinner then do her bedtime routine so that she can go into the 'odd' manhole without anyone noticing.

~Timeskip the Next Morning~

Eliza woke up by the sound of her phone ringing. Eliza took her hand out of her fluffy blanket and searched for her charging phone on the nightstand. As she did, Eliza plugs off the charger and put the phone under the blankets to see who's calling her in 6:27 in the morning. Eliza looked and saw it was Iggy. Eliza presses the green button and answer drowsily, "Hello....?" "Aww~ Did my little squid just woke up~? Well, good morning to you~" Eliza just smiled and Iggy and can tell from over the phone. "I know what you're going to ask just lemme sleep for....zzz" Eliza started to slip off into sleeping until Iggy shouted, "WOOMY!!!" Eliza then became fully awake and accidentally fell out of bed. "YYYYYOOOOWWW!!!!!! (Reference from Tom from Tom and Jerry). "Oh, my koopa!! Are you alright Lizzy?!" Iggy asked over the phone as Eliza (somehow) dizzily said, "Yeah I'm fine... I'll get ready... because I need to tell you something later..."

After the whole morning routine, Eliza quickly packs her usual things and head out to the manhole. Once she went in the manhole and arrived at Bower's castle, her search for Iggy began. Eliza first search the room where Chomper is. As she arrived, the only thing Eliza saw was a sleeping chain chomp. She went to him and softly pet the cute chain chomp before she left quietly.

As Eliza was walking down the hallway, she noticed something strange. 'This castle is quiet.... maybe too quiet... probably it early in the morning here.... if they knew...' As Eliza continued to think deep into her thoughts, she felt familiar hands cover her eyes. She smiled, knowing who it is. "Hey Lizzy~" Iggy said as he uncovers Eliza's eyes and gives her a kiss on the cheek since he could Eliza was still tired. "Did you sleep late again? You know you could've just come later~" Iggy said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzles his head into her left shoulder. "I know but.... I wanted to see you sooner.... even though I hate waking up early by anyone... you're the only who can wake me up early if you want.... but don't do it every day....." Eliza said drowsily and yawn between a few sentences. Eliza felt herself being carried bridal style by Iggy who is going to his bedroom.

As they both got to Iggy's bedroom, Iggy put Eliza to bed. But as Iggy was about to leave, he felt something grab his hand from going somewhere. "Iggy.... don't go...." "But Lizzy, I have to meet up with my siblings...." But Lizzy shook her head 'no' and turn into her squid form and jumped into Iggy's arms. "Okay, okay...." Then Iggy left the room with now-asleep inkling in his arms.


Eliza woke up and realized that she's still in her squid form in Iggy's arms, but also realize that she can feel and hear the wind blowing in her ears. "Iggy... are we flying.....?" Eliza said tiredly, still half-sleep. "Oh? Are you awake? How cute~ But no we're not flying. We're on my ship because we're going to kidnap the princess." Iggy said as he looks down and sees Eliza's half-lidded eyes, meaning she's still tired from her 'all-morning-till-noon' nap. "Oh..... wait, what?" "We're going to kidnap the princess!!" Since Eliza was still sleepy, she went back to her nap. 'Man... how in the Mushroom Kingdom does Lizzy sleep for so long? It's already past noon!!!'

Soon Bower and his koopalings arrived at Princess Peach's castle by shooting bombs at the castle to get their attention (of course Eliza couldn't hear because she's dead asleep). "Alright! Now go capture the princess!!" Bower announce as the koopalings went to in the castle and capture the princess.


After putting Princess Peach in the dungeon, Iggy went back to his room. As he looks down to check in Eliza, she was now awake. "What time is it....?" Eliza asked drowsily. "I think 2 or 3 I guess... I wonder how you were able to sleep so long." Eliza just shrugs. "Hey, Lizzy... I've been wondering..." Eliza looks up and Iggy when was shocked by Iggy's question.

"Would it be alright if I visit your world?"


Lol sorry about the cliffhanger.

But omg I almost wrote 1000 words here and I think I'll stop here just to.... you know.... make it more interesting(?)
Anyway, hope you enjoy!!!

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