Rowan of the Bukshah

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Hello everyone.
I have these notebooks at home which I fill up with random quotes and poems and stuff, so I thought I might as well share them with you. I'll try to tell you where they came from, but sometimes I can't remember cause I'm an idiot who doesn't write down where they came from. If I can't remember where one comes from, and you know, please PM me or leave a comment and I'll edit it.
Itallics are quotes and poems, bold ittalics are other stuff. Hope you enjoy,

Today's poems come from Rowan of the Bukshah by Emily Rooda, the first ones I wrote down in this notebook.

The beasts are wiser than we know
And where they lead four souls must go
One to weep and one to fight
One to dream and one for flight
Four must make their sacrifice
In the realm twixt fire and ice
The hunger will not be denied
The hunger must be satisfied
And in that blast of fiery breath
The quest united both life and death
Within this veil the blind are wise
Horror lurks behind your eyes
The cure is water from a well
Where hate and anger do not dwell
Refuge waits on high ahead
Climb the ladder of the dead
Hide within the rocky walls
Be still while icy darkness falls
Make haste your way is straight ahead
Cast aside the fallen dead
Life will ebb if you dispair
Sickness heals and foul makes fair
When earthbound thunder greats the day
The breaking heart will clear the way
And where the golden river flows
The hidden stair its secret shown
My friends,
You must know how it was, when you return, and so I write these words. Fliss is too weak to do more.
Bron escaped the Zeback attack and ran back to warn us. He arrived in two days, despite his injuries. Following the plan, Bron, Fliss and I took the treasure, left plentiful food for the horses, and followed the beasts on their secret way from the Valley of the Bukshah into the mountain heart. Once we were safe here, we kept good watch. Every day we expected you to return, either driven back by Zebak whips, or blissfuly free, but you did not come...
At the end of the winter, the Bukshah left the mountain heart, but we remained. From afar we saw a new crop bloom in our valley, and sorrowed that we alone should see its beauty.
A little time afterwards we saw that some dreaded illness had befallen the horses and the birds, for they lay still on the streets. Fearing a Zebak plot to tempt us out of hiding, we retreated into the cavern. A few nghts later there was a fearful thundering. The ground shook, and when we arose, we found that the gate was dark and filled with rock.
Many weeks have passed since then. Bron has laboured mightily to free us, but even his great strength cannot move the barrier. Our food and water are long gone. We are dying. But the treasure and we are together. This comforts us. We grieve for you, our friends, but our hearts tell us that some day you will find a way to return, for the land will call to you and you will hear. And when you return you will open Mountain Heart once more so that the bukshah can enter as they must. Then you will find us and lay us at last in the good earth, beneath the open sky, where we long to be.
We leave you with our blessings,
Evan of the Bukshah

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