my own work pt. 3

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'the ledge'

It's been hours, days,

months, now years,

since we last spoke.

Our phone conversations

seem so long ago.

And I haven't seen your face

in even longer.

You left me here.

Sometimes I think

you were glad to go,

even though you claimed

your heart would always

be with me.

Another lie, I suppose.

Sometimes, other times,

I wonder to myself –

Should I have kissed you?

We know I didn't,

but I wanted to so badly.

Maybe someday I'll be happy

I saved it for someone else.

You left during the darkest time

And yet your voice

was all that kept me alive

I don't think I've ever

thanked you for that

But now I stand on the ledge again

With no-one left to catch me,

And not even you to stop the fall.

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