Rising Phoenix

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This a pretty cool poem I found in a book...I can't remember which book it is though...and I only read the book about a year ago...darn it. This just proves that I read too much. Anywho, here's 'Rising Phoenix'.

Does Rising Phoenix know his fate?

He's born, grows strong, and learns to fly.

He builds a nest and seeks a mate,

He sleeps and thirsts and hunts the sky

Does he know his future blazes?

A quelling flame will take his life?

When purging heat the pyre raises,

Consuming all his earthly strife?

Does stinging dread seep through his breast?

Does he regret past choices made?

Does heartbreak stir his feather'd crest?

Does he percieve the price he's paid?

Exquiste once, his body burns

As he cries out in pain and fear. 

Charred and black his feathers turn,

Conseding life, he sheds a tear.

From death so dire another soul

Emerges new to take his place.

With destiny and purpose whole,

A glorious dawn begins apace!

Does Rising Rhoenix thank his sire

From embers black that gave him birth?

Does he too know his fate is fire?

Can he enjoy his time on earth?

It's a sad poem, but a good one. Hope you liked it and if you know which book it came from, please tell me cause I 've forgetten!

Peace out,


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