So we move on..

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Keith Pov

It's been almost a week since I decided to disband our group. It was safer that way and no one will get in trouble. And I won't lose Lance again. I sigh as I removed my suit and headed into the shower. I might have done the right thing but it sure doesn't feel like it. I'm once again away from everyone and headed out with the blades. Maybe I'm not fit to take control? Or maybe I'm just not ready? I hope lance could just understand.

"What do you mean we all spilt up?" He voiced as the rest looked at me. "I got news that Lotor knows Axca has been seeing me and banned her from coming near so I'm worried that he might send someone to attack." Everyone looked worried "We can take them. We've been training harder and getting better." lance says as pidge shook her head "Maybe? But lance we can't. Besides your arm is still recovering and if they send the clones we are super fucked."

I groan "As much as I want to agree with you Lance, Pidge is right. You aren't healed and we aren't strong enough to take the clones." Lance frowns and rolls his eyes "Well you can take them and maybe Shiro too?" "Lance" he shrugs "What? I'm just laying our options" I shake my head as I realize what I might have everyone do and it's actually killing me. "Lance we need to talk when we get home.." the look he gave me already made my heart ache and my head hurt. "Is everything Okay?" I nodded "Yeah."


"Alright we're home. What's up?" I took a seat beside him as I took a deep breath. "Lance, we need to-" "Nope! Don't you dare say it again! I know you are gonna say it!" I rolled my eyes "Lance please understand it's better this way. I don't want to risk your safety again and I don't want to be the cause of you getting hurt or worse."

I held his face as he held a pout. His hand grabbed my own as he placed soft kisses. "You know it sucks whenever we're apart.." I nod "Yeah I know. Maybe when this blows over we can be normal again?" I smiled softly as he sighs. "Our life can never be normal. Not as long as I have you as my boyfriend." I chuckled as I caressed his face.

"Lance I just need you to get away from here just for awhile until then. Go back to Cuba with your family and protect them." He nods slowly "Will it be permant?" I shook my head "I hope not." He pulls away and sighs. "So we all spilt up. Go into hiding and just wait for an attack?" I tilt my head "I suppose. If not I'll just have to do something." Lance glared at me "That's stupid Keith. You know that's suicide?" I shrug "that's just a back up plan. I don't want to follow through with it."


As I stepped out the shower I decided to do some research. Ever since I found out I had a sibling I knew my mother had to be out there. I know for certain my father is gone, my mother on the other hand might be hiding. I just need to find her and get the truth. As much as I want to believe Thace and the others I just can't.

After I dress in my casual wear I look up files of my mother's past. If she was so known then why hasn't anyone seen her or even heard of her? She can't possibly be dead knowing how impressive she was before I was even born. Also kimiko isn't a name that fits her maybe a cover up. As I searched I heard branches breaking. I stopped and grabbed my knife and carefully checked around. As I check through the window I noticed a tall figure in a dark hoodie. Wait? No one knows this place? How did they?

"Who are You?! How did you find this place?!" The figure turned and ran off. I growl and chased after them. I kept a steady pace until the figure grabbed me and pushed me against the tree. "Ahh! Let go of me!" I broke free and fought back as I went to draw my knife they grabbed my wrist "That's enough." Their voice was slightly soft, which is surprising "Why?" They took my knife and lowered their hood as I soften my expression to see a woman. "Who are You?" She lowers me and gulps a bit as she holds my blade

"Krolia. Keith I'm your mother.." I was frozen and couldn't believe that "Yeah right" she sighs "Kimiko was just a name I used to cover up. I gave birth to you on October 23, 1994. Your father is Tex Kogane and I was in the blades of morma. I'm your real mother Keith.." I wanted to shove her but pull her close at the same time. She left me. She abandoned me. "Why are you here now?" She looked up at me and towards the shack "Can we talk in there?" I nod as we entered the house as she realized how comfortable it looked from the inside.

"Explain. Now." She sat down and I held my arms crossed "I didn't mean to leave you Keith, I only left to protect you. I knew they would come looking for me and try to get me at my weakness which was you and your father." I lowered my head as she didnt even say Axca at all. "Wait how many kids Did you have?" She looked up at me "I only had you. The girl that was with you was someone that we were taking care of. She was thaces daughter but he wasn't ready for a kid so we took her in." So she isn't my sister but a family friend?

"So she isn't related to us?" She shook her head "No. Why?" "She told me she was my twin and that we look alike and we do in some features." Krolia shook her head "No, she's mistaken. She is the daughter of one of the blades that Thace hooked up with. She died at childbirth and Thace was in no condition to raise a child so I offered to take her but someone sent an attack on me and I had to protect you both." Now everything is going nuts. Axca isn't my sister. Thace has a daughter that he didn't want. My father was killed because of a mysterious messenger.

My life was never normal to begin with. "Keith I know this is a lot to take in-" "A lot?! It's fucking shocking! My whole life has been a lie! Do you know how horrible my life has been growing up? Moving to a different home because of my rude and aggressive behavior? Where were You? I needed you the most when I was a kid." She sighs

"Keith I've been there all along. I watched you from afar. Seeing you do things on your own. I even helped you when you needed it. Do you know how hard it's been for me to not raise my own child and stay in hiding?" She walked towards me as she held my face. "You look so much like me. My eyes and nose and mouth. You're turning out to be just like me.."

I moved my head "Why did you have Me? So I can continue your legacy? Or to find out who tried to kill You? Thace thinks your dead and that you were involved with terrible people. I wanted to find you because I needed to know if I got your personality from someone." She nods "Listen Keith I heard that they made clones of your friends and even of yourself. I'm here to help now." I shook my head "I don't need your help. I sent my friends into hiding including the person I love.."

She noticed my tone and noticed the small photo near counter. "Lance.." I looked up "Yeah. This has to be the 3rd time we had to be apart. I don't want to lose him or anyone for that matter." She comes near me and grabs my face. "Why did you think I left? I left to protect you Keith, I didn't want anyone to hurt you. It will crush me if something terrible happens to you." I sigh as she hugs me tightly. For so long this is all I wanted. A real hug from my mother and closure. "I understand now. Man I am your kid aren't I?" She giggles a bit "In a way, yeah you are." I chuckled "Well now what? You must have leads or something?" She nods "I do. But it might be risky. You sure you want to do this?" I nodded

"Ready as I'll ever be.."

A/n hello everyone it's been months since I updated any of my books and since I've been sick for a few days I decided to write here and there. It might sound like trash but hey at least I updated. Hope you enjoyed it and be patient with me for other updates I'm slowly trying again.

Lucky You ~Klance AuWhere stories live. Discover now