Not doing this alone

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Lance Pov
I kept Keith close to me as he kept shaking and crying at the thought of him losing me. I was scared that I almost died right there looking straight into his eyes as I saw him break. "We need to tell Shiro" he mumbles as he moved off from my chest

"Yeah we do. Can't believe that jerk hired people to take your knife. Keith what's so special about your knife anyways?" He shrugs "I don't know. It's just a plain knife I was given when my parents left me. It's the only thing that reminds me where I come from" I sigh as I moved some of his hair from his face and kiss his nose "Well it must be important that Edgar took it" he groans at his name and I don't blame him.

"I think it's payback from the last time." "What happened last time?" Keith makes a face and tried to remember back "Well when we..Uh used to hook up and whatever he always asked me why I kept the knife. I told him it's the only thing I have from my real parents and he understood. But I noticed he kept acting strange and asked a lot about it. I never knew why but now he has it and I have no clue what it does?"

He paces as I text the rest to come to Keith's place. "Maybe it unlocks something? Does the symbol have a meaning?" Keith thinks back but he groans in annoyance "I don't know! Uh I'm sorry Lance.." I sigh as I come close to his side as he held his arms crossed.

"Hey don't worry, we'll figure something out. In the mean time we need to start a plan. So leader what should we do?" I smiled at him as he sighs "I'm no leader Lance but we should start at the source and go find that idiot Edgar." I nod "Oh I want to kill him first babe then he's all yours. But before we go we should tell the others the plan." "Right. Are they here yet?" "Yeah like right.."

the doorbell rings and we walked towards the door "Now. Hey guys" "Oh my god Lance! Dude your neck?!" "Did you like moan?" I glared at pidge as Keith looked a bit concerned for the gremlin. "No! They tried to kill me Pidge! This isn't some sex kink! I'm probably scared for life cause of that!" Keith holds me close as they sigh

"So what are we gonna do?" Hunk asked as we looked at keith "Why are you looking at me?" "Well it's obvious that the target is you. Whoever is sending these random attacks wants you dead or alive and won't stop." Pidge said as he lowered his head "I should go alone." "WHAT?!" we yelled as Keith looked at us

"Dude.." "Keith that's a dumb plan" "Keith what about the plan?" "I don't want you getting hurt. Any of you for that matter..I witnessed Lance almost die in front of me and I did nothing! What happens when it's you or even you? I couldn't live with myself.."

He started tearing up again as I held his hand "Keith we're a team. So if you're risking to die for us then we do the same" "Uh not me" "Fuck that" I glared at them "Guys! We have been training and yet to fight together maybe this can bring us close?" Keith pulls away

"Thanks Lance but they don't seem to be part of this and I don't blame it. It's me and my past and I have to deal with it on my own. So forgive me Lance" he pulled me and kissed me as I pushed him away as I felt a bit light headed "K-Keith?" He looked fuzzy and everything looked dark as I fell to the floor and see hunk and Pidge on the ground as well "I'll be back..I promise" the last thing I saw was his eyes and his smile.

I woke up to everything spinning as I quickly get up "Keith!" I look to my side and see pidge and hunk on the floor asleep and I quickly look around but I find nothing. I tried calling him but I found his phone on the table. I slam the table as I call Shiro again and he didn't answer "Shit." As I called again the other two woke up

"Ugh I feel like I binged too much sci-fi movies..where's Keith?" Pidge woke up looking around as it finally hit her "Matter of fact where the fuck did that fucking bitch go?! He drugged us! What kind of person does that type of shit?!" I sigh as they stared at me "Lance? Care to explain?" Hunk asked a bit annoyed but I get it.

"Keith isn't normal. He's different from the rest of us." "Such as? Cause last time I check that idiot was just like me" Pidge was upset and I get it but Keith just hasn't really gotten to the part where everyone else gets mad if you pull some crazy shit "Keith is an ex assassin" hunk was confused and not believing it

"Right and I'm a fucking elf! Cut the bull Lance and tell us what Keith is?!" "I told you! He's a trained assassin! He used to be in the field when he was younger! He's not used to having friends or even a relationship for that matter. Look I can stay here and tell you it or you'll come with me to find him and help because I'm not gonna wait here and do nothing!"

I grabbed my bayard as the two looked at me "You coming or staying? I'm second in command so you're either in or out" they looked at each other before they groan and started following "The shit I do for you gays" "Don't you mean guys?" "No I mean gays" I laughed at pidge as we started our path towards Keith. Don't worry Keith we'll see you soon.

Lucky You ~Klance AuWhere stories live. Discover now