Chapter 1

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All I am is a simple girl that lives in a forest where supernatural creatures have released themselves from hiding. Now they have taken over our lives. Humans have no more freedom but only live in fear of these creatures. Only some have accepted this new change but the others despise it. My name is Ellie, I live alone and I have accepted the fact us humans cannot challenge these creatures. They are stronger, faster and some are smarter than us.

One day when I was in my room, I heard a noise coming from the outside but it was just the wind. I then heard a knock on the main door and when I opened the door, I saw a vampire but what I saw was different from the rest of my dreams...

I told the vampire to come in since they have to be invited in. When he came in, I noticed his features, his hair was blond with a touch of brown at his roots, he was wearing a black suit and his eyes were coral blue and tears rolling down his cheeks. I thought that he was dying because there was a bloody wound and he was also about to fall from blood loss. I caught before he reached the floor, I laid him gently on the floor I looked at his eyes and saw that there was a plea for help. The only thing that could help him for now, is some blood. When I bit into my wrist, I felt a rush of pain and hunger. I realised that those same were his emotions after I felt content because the feeding helped him survive for some time.

After the feeding, I helped him walk to my room since he is still in pain. I laid him gently on the bed and started to remove his clothes since they were all bloody from his wound. I cleaned his wound. Tomorrow I'll ask him if he's comfortable about what happened to him. After cleaning him and changing his clothes, I washed my hands from all the blood and let sleep take over me.

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