Car rides

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Hey folks! I just got back from my trip and it was AMAZING!!!!! Enjoy this update!!
Maya finally got her hand free from Josh's grasp as he pulled her out of the restaurant. She looked up at him and huffed.

"What was that?" She asked him causing him to give her a look.

"I was protecting you from getting your feelings hurt. I may not care much about you but I know the damage my parents can do by criticizing the things that you are passionate about." Josh told her. Maya raised an eyebrow at him. Joshua Matthews was protecting her? Ha, that's rich. Josh looked over at her and rolled his eyes while letting out a frustrated sigh. "It's a good idea, Maya! A really good idea. And I think that when we take over the businesses that you should do it. That's all I'm saying." He told her. Maya nodded her head and looked away.

"Thanks." She mumbled quietly. A silence fell between the two and it took a minute for Maya to wonder why the heck they were still standing outside the restaurant when her car was only ten feet away. "Um, I'm going to head home. Thanks for sticking up for me I guess." Maya told him before she started walking towards his car. Josh snapped his head over at her and grabbed her wrist.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked her, Maya's eyes widened.

"I just told you home." Josh looked over at the window and let out another frustrated sigh.

"Where are your keys?" He asked her. Maya shook her head.

"Why?" She asked gripping her jacket around her tighter. Josh looked back over at the window and then turned back to Maya.

"Follow my lead and don't ask questions." He told her.

"What are you talking about?" Maya asked him before Josh turned to where her back was facing the widow. He took Maya's hand and pulled her into his chest causing her eyes to widen even more when he put a arm around her waist. "What do you think you're doing?" Maya asked him shocked at what he was doing.

"My parents are watching us through the window, we need to look more cozy. Hand me your keys." He told her. Maya shook her head.

"Absolutely not. Shawn gave me his car tonight and I promised him that I would take care of it." Maya told him stubbornly. Josh looked down at her and gave her a look.

"Please Maya, Shawn has been letting me drive his car way before you even got your license. Keys. Now." He demanded. Maya rolled her eyes as she reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out her keys giving them to Josh.

"What about your car?" She asked him as he took her hand and started walking on the side walk.

"I took a cab. I didn't want to waist gas." He told her as he was looking around for the familiar car.

"And yet you waisted twenty bucks on a cab ride that you would eventually have to spend on gas later. Classic." She said sarcastically. Josh ignored her as he finally found Shawn's car and started pulling Maya to it. "You could have asked me where it was." She told him.

"Shut up and get in the car please." He told her as he opened the passenger side door for her. Maya rolled her eyes.

"What a gentleman." She said sarcastically as she ducked her head and got into the car. Josh shut the door and went over to the other side and got into the drivers seat. They both out their seat belts on before he started up the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.

More silence fell between the two as Maya leaned her head up against the window and watched all the city lights as thy drove by. She smiled, she truly was a New Yorker. For a couple of minutes she was happy, that was until Josh missed his turn, or so she thought .

"Where are you going?" She asked him. Josh glanced at her before going back to the road. "We didn't have dinner tonight so we need to get something." Maya shook her head.

"I can eat at home." She told him. Josh glanced at her again before putting the turn signal on and switching lanes.

"I think you might be forgetting that you aren't the only other person in this car. I'm hungry and rather you eat or not, I am." He said smugly. Maya shook her head before leaning back in her seat. Josh glanced at her a few more times before speaking up again. "So, you and Teo?" Josh asked her causing Maya to scoff.

"You mean Leo?" She asked him causing Josh to laugh.

"That's even worse." Maya rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, Josh. Leo's an amazing person." She told him as she looked down and fiddled with her fingers.

"For your sake I hope he isn't anything like his brother." Josh told her seriously. Josh hung out a lot with Leo in group settings, but he doesn't ever really talk to him. For as long as he can remember Leo had always been quiet when it came to being with his brother and his friends.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Maya asked defensively.

"Mike isn't exactly the best influence and for your sake I hope he hasn't gotten to Leo, that's all I'm saying." Josh told her. Maya looked out the window for a brief second before looking back at Josh.

"What has he done?" She asked quietly. Josh glanced at her and looked back down at the road.

"He's just been is some trouble with the police. Nothing too major for you to worry about though. I just know Mike is all." Josh told her.

"Well Leo isn't like that." Maya said causing Josh to chuckle.

"Not yet." He mumbled. Maya laughed.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say your jealous." She told him.

"Please don't flatter yourself. I know that you think that you know Leo, but I know him too. His biggest role model is Mike and he wants to be just like him. Just try not to get yourself caught up in all of that." He told her sounding genially concerned.

"Why do you care?" Maya scoffed. Josh pulled into the parking lot of Burger King and parked the car before turning to look at Maya.

"I know you and I don't exactly like each other, but I've known you since you were like, five. I know your past and I know everything that you've gone through. You're also my nieces best friend which in a way kind of makes you like my niece. I just don't want to see you getting hurt." He told her. Maya was shocked. This was the first time she had seen Josh concerned for her in a really long time.

"Thanks, Josh." She whispered. He smiled at her before unbuckling and opening his door.

"I hope you brought money because I'm not paying for you." He told her as he slammed the door shut and started walking into Burger King. Maya rolled her eyes. She knew his nice demeanor wouldn't last long, it was too good to be true.
Making progress in their relationship. That's what really matters! Hope y'all enjoyed!

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