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Violets POV ~
This morning wasn't any different than any other morning, I got up at 7:30am, got dressed into black jeans, my nirvana t-shirt and a baggy burgundy hoodie with black vans, went downstairs to get an appetising bowl of lucky charms and spoke to my mum until I had to get my bag ready and brush my teeth to leave for school.
I hated this part of the day, awkwardly socialising with my mum so early in the morning. If rather eat my food up stairs away from all human contact. But my mum had a rule; I had to eat breakfast down stairs. She said she informed this rule to make sure I don't spill my cereal but I knew the real reason, it's to ensure I actually ate.
I'm slowly recovering from an eating disorder called anorexia nervosa and or bulimia nervosa. You'd think a year and 5 months down the line of recovering id be allowed to eat cereal on my own, but this is not the case.
It started when I was 15, I constantly got bullied for being overweight and my mother had an obsession with being skinny, she always told me when my stomach started getting bulgy. Now I'm 16 going on to be 17 in 7 months, I'm 5'6 and weight 110 pounds. Things are starting to get a lot better.
I left for school that morning and walked towards the park opposite my house, I sat at the foot of the trunk of an old oak tree as I do every morning as I waited for Alex. She lived a few streets down from me and we always walk through the park to get to school together. I always get to the meeting point half an hour early so I have chance to read some of a book or catch up with some homework due that day.
Today was the same I was currently reading a book called Divergent it's incredibly addicting. Once I'd read a few chapters I sat and watched the dog walkers chase there dogs around until Alex arrived and we walked to school.
School was always so long and such a bore because it dragged. I would learn nothing anyway due to the irritating people in my classes making inhumanly amounts of noises and sounds, so I really didn't see the point in being here.
I had English first, which was ok because I got to sit next to Alex. I enjoyed English to a certain extent because I like to think I'm good at it. Also Mr. Edwards wasn't horrible looking either, he was incredibly appealing to the eyes.
My brother Luke Hemmings was also in my class. We would avoid each other at all costs though, all we done was get at each other's throats at any opportunity.
He wasn't the protective kind of brother like id wish him to be. Even when I was in the process of being bullied he didn't say a word to anyone; seems like a nice boy right. However all the girls loved him and he was in the 'popular' crowd which I couldn't comprehend why because he was just a massive dick. But everyone's preferences to there own.
English went by fairly fast, we read a few chapters of Romeo and Juliet, analysed a bit of a text and listen to Mr. Edwards ramble on about a new assignment coming soon.
The rest of the day however dragged a lot. Even lunch did which involved me and Alex sitting in the library doing homework, engaging in conversation about homework and eating whatever food we had bought in the food hall; which was just overpriced and disgusting.
To be honest I just couldn't wait to get home and sleep. That was my routine, wake up, go to school, get home, sleep, eat and do a bit of homework then sleep again and repeat quite a simple life.
Every day was the same really, all week this would happen the only difference being what I would wear for the day and on Fridays I either stayed at Alex's or she'd stay at mine. It was a weekly thing we'd do. We'd talk about bands, watch films, talk about books, talk about hot boys and most importantly we'd order pizza because pizza is a big part of someone's life. We'd order one and split it between us, but she'd always manage to eat more than me.
Then on the weekends we would occasionally go shopping, or stay in on twitter or tumblr or watch a few episodes of American Horror Story. My life isn't very exciting really.
Violets POV ~
It was Friday and I was excited about spending tonight at Alex's. I was looking forward to a nice greasy slice of pizza tonight too. I also had a lot of gossip which I would share to Alex and I already knew her reaction but I was still looking forward to seeing what it was anyway. Her reactions to things are always priceless she gets so ecstatic over the littlest things. We were also going to laugh for hours I could tell.
When I went down stairs this morning I was feeling very confident for a change. I liked my outfit, (black shorts, grey crop top and vans) I was happy which was rare and I had something to look forward to.
When I went to pour myself some cereal there was none left, which means Luke had eaten it. So I slowly walked back up stairs thinking it would be fine to just miss one meal because I couldn't be bothered to make anything else.
When my mum called me.
"Violet you haven't eaten anything yet." My mother sweetly yet sternly remarked as I was still walking up the stairs.
"There is no lucky charms left!"
"Then eat something different for a change."
"But I don't want anything different, I promise I will eat something when I get to school!"
"As long as you do, you did promise."
I sighed and stalked into my bedroom to get my bag ready and brush my teeth. She wouldn't do this if Luke missed a meal and I hated feeling singled out.
The park was empty today which was weird. I had no people watching to do so I just read my book. Alex also noticed this as she approached me.
"Hey Violet, the park is a dead beat this morning, do I really smell that bad?"
Her jokes were awful but I laughed anyway. It was a typical 'dad joke' to make.
"Hi and yes you obviously must do."
The rest of the walk to school was silent. Not an awkward silence but a comfortable one.
It was second period and it was English again. Written on the white board as we walked in was ESSAY in big capital letters, this meant we'd get essay homework on the book we'd just been studying and we'd need to take notes in lesson in order to prepare for it. I didn't mind them that much it's just the pairs I honestly didn't like.
Mr. Edwards explained yet again another set essay due in a months time. We usually do these in allocated partners chosen by Mr. Edwards, these pairs are selected with one of the two people having a high grade in the subject and the other with a low grade, this combination is put together to give the lower grade students a chance at getting a decent grade in the subject. Which means I will probably have to be with Andrew again because, I've always been paired with him and not to burst my own bubble I was the smarter of the two of is.
The class started normally until someone knocked on the room door. Then entered the room cautiously.
When he walked into the room, I swear my heart stopped beating, I had moved a year ago to get away from him, he was the reason Id developed an eating disorder, day after day without fail he'd manage to bring me down about myself, there was others, but he was the main suspect, he had been at my throat and I can't believe here he was standing mere inches away from me, from then on I just knew things would go downhill from here, and fast. Id need to stay as far away from him as humanly possible.
"Everyone we have a new student he's moved all the way from Hornsby, an Australian suburb to here in London so be welcoming it's a bit out of his comfort zone. This is Ashton Irwin. Ashton would you like to say anything to the class, maybe introduce yourself and one hobby?"
"Hi I'm Ashton, that's pretty much it, my life is a bit of a mystery and I'd rather no one knew about it so if I could take my seat now that would be great" His tone was lifeless and dull.
I could feel the power of his eyes staring into mine, never breaking eye contact as he spoke, he hadn't changed much, he just grew taller and dressed more suiting to his personality. He was beginning to make me nervous so I quickly looked away.
"Erm yeah, you can take a seat next to Jack Starr, you can be paired up as buddies, Jack you are not to leave Ashton unattended"
All the places he could have gone in the world and we had yet again ended up in the same area. What a huge unneeded coincidence. Great he was now sat directly behind me, that's two idiots to distract me now. (Ashton and Jack).
I could feel his stare directed to the back of my head almost as if penetrating my skull. I promised myself not turn around, it would only make things much worse than they needed to be. I could cope with him starring at the back of me, but I couldn't cope with any conversation between us.
During the whole lesson I couldn't concentrate all I could think about was Ashton. Why was he here? Did he know I would be here? Where does he live? Will he be rude to me? Will all my recovery be for nothing?
I was completely mesmerised with questions until sir snapped me out of my trance talking about partners.
"Jack and Mary, Sarah and Colby..."
He was going along the list of names until he finally got to mine...
"Violet and Andrew." I knew id be with Andrew I always was, which wasn't so bad because he was polite and pleasant to talk to.
"Alex and Ashton."
That's when Alex gave me a fearful look, I'd told her about him and what he'd done to me, I also showed her photos; she knew who he was. The moment he walked in she have me pity glances as if looking for confirmation of the boy, I gave her a small nod. Now it was my turn to hand her pity looks because she was now his partner for a month.
At lunch we spoke about the situation, we was going to wait till tonight but we couldn't. Also many girls were asking to swap partners which she politely agreed to, however Mr. Edwards was strict in some areas and would not allow it since it was Ashton's first day here.
"What am I going to do? Surly he won't be absurd to me? Hopefully he won't even help me do the essay anyway and he will just let me get on with the work on my own. By myself. He didn't seem like the bonding, hardworking type anyway."
"Most probably Alex, he probably hasn't even read the book anyway even if he did wish to help, he wouldn't be able to."
"Okay as long as your sure."
"I am.", I confirmed half heartedly, because to be honest, I wasn't sure. I hadn't seen him in a year. He may have changed. He may wish to work with her? Who knows?
Later that night, at Alex's we spoke to her mum about this issue and she insisted Alex was not going to be working with this 'monster' she called him. So she wrote a note to Mr. Edwards indicating the change in essay partners for her daughter. We could only hope this letter would work.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2014 ⏰

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