Storm- chapter 3

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When I explain to Alec that this used to be my bedroom when my mom would bring her boyfriends over, he instantly decides that he hates my mom and that she is a bitch. I don't disagree with him.
I pull out the little lanterns and turn a couple of them on. They are those little toy lanterns that are probably two inches wide and about five tall. That give a little light to the room.
That is how, an hour later, I am playing cards with Alec on the cot. I am low key bored out of my fucking mind because I hate- like desperately, murderously hate card games. But I didn't want to be seen as a jerk by this guy. I mean, I did kind of kidnap him from the ally- although for good reasons- and when I was putting him on the cot I hit his head, a few times.
"Yeah, this is boring. Let's play a different game." Alec suddenly says, and I nearly chock on my laughter.
"Okay... what do you wanna play?"
"Truth or dare!" He says excitedly. I smile a little, and nod. "Okay, me first. Truth or dare?"
"Umm... truth."
"How old are you?"
"Seventeen. You?"
"Eight teen. Okay, now you."
"Truth or dare?"
"Dare." He responds instantly, and I smile, trying to think of something to have him do... oh, I've got it!
"You have to... wait, that would be no fun. You see in the dark." I pout, then try and think of something else.
"How bout truth? Maybe that would be easier." He tells me, and I nod.
"What happened to you- you were hurt pretty bad. If you don't want to tell me you don't have to- I'm hu-"
"I was dying." He says, simply, like it was no big deal. "Nekos aren't meant to be alone. It's like... bad for us. We crave companionship. My body was hit by a car- and, I just... I didn't have the will to actually try and do anything to fix it. I guess you could say I was depressed."
"Oh... I'm sorry, Alec. Why didn't you try to make friends, Th-"
"Because most people can't stand Nekos. We're 'ungodly monstrosities'."
"You're not a monster." I say, shaking my head. I unthinkingly reach out and brush my fingers over his soft grey ears. "You're as good as anyone else."
"Drake." He mumbles, his eyes flicking up to mine. "You don't understand-"
"What it's like to be less than perfect in the eyes of everyone that looks at you?" I ask softly. He freezes. "Yeah, I actually do. All through my life, even before it happened, everyone looked down on me. If it wasn't for my family, it was for being gay, or my eye, or my elusive father."
"What do you mean, it?" He asks softly, sounding really conserved.
"A couple of my mom boyfriends-yes, plural- they may have... done things to me after they found our about my orientation." I say quietly, my face heating up with embarrassment.
"They raped you."
"And they taped it... and sent it everywhere. They said that I enjoyed what my 'daddies' could do to me."
"Oh, god." He whispers, and then, on a flat second, I am pulled into his lap and he is holding me close to himself. "I'm so sorry that had happened to you, Drake." He whispers, his face burring in my neck. Something wet is running down the side of my neck, and I quickly realize it's tears.
"Why on earth are you crying? You didn't do it- you didn't know me when I was thirteen, so it's not like you made fun of me too. So stop it." I brush my fingers gently through his hair, trying to calm him. He looks down at me, and I see hurt, surprisingly, and anger in his eyes.
"No one should have ever touched you like that; only-oh, my god!" He pulls back, and then his eyes hit mine. "Who was your father?" He demands, and I shake my head at his sudden change in attitude.
"I don't know, I never met him." I say, and then the flash light is shining in my eyes.
"This isn't happening- holy shit. Give my your phone."
"Umm... Okay?" I hand him the phone I've kept in my backpack.
"Just, hold still." Then there is flash in my eye and I blink quickly, trying to regain sight as he starts typing.
"What is happening?"
"I just realized two things- one. I know who your father is. And two- I finally know why it was so damn hard for me to be happy with the people I was around."
"You're not making any sense." I tell him, and he laughs.
"I know!"
The phone suddenly starts to ring. Alec is quick do pick it up and he puts it on speaker.
"Alec? Is that really- are you shitting me?!"
"No, he's right here, with me."
"... Drake?" The mans voice is hopeful, sad, and a little excited.
"Yeah?" I ask, confused.
"I'm tracking the phone- we're coming to bring you both somewhere safe." The man's voice says, and I blanch.
"Com-what? Why?!"
"Because, Drake. You're my son. And you're not human."
My eyes hit Alec's, and he smiles.
"What do you mean I'm not human?"
"Your half neko- I'm human. And your mom? Adra? She isn't your real mom. She is a conniving bitch I asked to keep you safe until you were old enough to come to court with me- but she ran away with you. She took you, and I've been looking for you for years.
"B-why would you want me to go to court?" I ask, confused. "And what do you mean? I'm completely human- I-"
"Court. As in the royal court. I'm part of the King's inner advisory. And no, your not. Your eyes- they are purple... son, your a breeder. Just like me. And... and your father."
"Bu- you said that you were my father,"
"I'm your maternal father... your paternal father... well... he's kind of the..."
"The what?"
"The... King."
I look at Alec, and he nods his head. "If it weren't so, you wouldn't have been able to treat my wounds like you did. You're seven teen, and you treated the wounds as if you were a trained veterinarian. Breeders are meant to be able to take care of their mate if he is injured, just like most female nekos."
"Who is your mate, Drake?" The man on the phone asks, and my head starts to reel.
"I-I Don't-"
"Arron, he's mine." Alec says softly, and then his fingers brush my cheek. "I didn't realize it until he told me that the men his- Adra- was with sexually assaulted him. I thought I was just grateful to him, but-"
"Shh... it's okay, Alec. You need to talk to him about this. We should be to the place in the next few hours. That gives you both plenty of time to get things settled."
My head starts to hurt, badly, and my breathing gets quicker. "So... what your telling me is I'm a neko, sorry, a half neko, something I didn't know existed until maybe twelve hours ago. And I'm the son of a king- and the offspring will of two men." I try to sum it up.
"And...your mates with a full blood neko." The voice over the phone says, and I shake my head.
"What are mate's?"
"Mates are... soul mates. Just- talk to Alec. I'll be there for you soon." Then the line goes dead, and my eye move to Alec's.
"Explain." I say, trying to get a hold of myself.
"First... come here." Alec murmurs, and then pulls me back into his lap. "Just- listen alright. I need you to calm yourself." Then his fingers are gently massaging my lower back and the base of my neck. Comfort flows through me, and I find myself leaning against him. "There we go. See? That wasn't so bad." He says softly. "I don't need you to go into a panic attack."
"Just explain this to me, Alec. What did he mean by soul mates? And how can a man and another man have a child together? And-if the king is my other father- why couldn't I have stayed there? With them?"
"It is unsafe for any small child with a claim to the throne to be at court. The king didn't want to even risk losing you to someone who would hurt you- although that is exactly what happened." Alec sighs, and then pushed my head against his chest. "And the baby part- it's just like how a person can be half cat, and turn into a cat- how a human breathing in a chemical can make life... the best way anyone can explain anything in the world- magic."
"But- where would it come out?" I demand, my butt clenching at sudden thought- no. I will not produce a child out of my anus. I refuse! My poor butt!
"C sections. It's the safest way for the mother and child." He tells me softly. I relax a bit at that, thankfully. A few seconds later, though, I start up again.
"So.. does that mean in any relationship, I am a bottom?" Not that I wanna be a top... it just... doesn't appeal to me.
"You will only be in one relationship. Period." He hisses suddenly, and I flinch. "You are my mate, Drake. That means I can't live without you. We belong together."
Its getting a little frustrated with this whole mine thing. I mean, what the heck!? He hardly knows me, and he is already telling me I will only date him. Only have sex with him- and apparently, only produce children... with him.
"I don't know you, Alec- how am I supposed to condemn myself to a life time relationship dictated by you?! You can't honestly expect me to just go with it without question, because if you do, your are in for one hell of a wake up call, mister. I- hmph!" My mouth is suddenly very much preoccupied with his lips, which have smashed against mine.
My mind is immediately blank of everything- literally everything except him. His sweet, gentle lips press against mine, and his hand knitting itself into my hair. It's simple, soft, sweet. And I instantly feel a buzzing connection to him somewhere inside my very soul. My eye widen and I immediately recognize the sudden bond between us... it's the mate connection.
"Tell me, Drake. Do you want another? Someone that isn't me?" I shake my head quickly, pouting when he pulls away from me. Instantly, upon said pout, my face goes red. What the hell? I don't pout at people.
"You're so damn cute." He mumbles, and then his lips press chastely against my forehead.
"I'm not freaking cute." I say, groaning. "Why does everyone always say I'm cute?!"
"Because, sweety, you freaking are. It's the natural submissive qualities in you that allure many people, of many species. I'm honestly surprised that someone else hasn't made claim on you already..." He gives me a small, sad smile suddenly, and it breaks my heart. "God, I'm so glad you found me... you don't even know- I was so... alone. I've been missing you for longer than I knew you were alive. I've been looking for you for nearly two years. And to think, I gave up just a mile away from you." His head falls slightly, and I quickly reach out and press my fingers under his smooth chin.
"I'm sorry I don't try to come to you." I whisper. Sorrow fills me at the look of sadness- hurt, even- that he displaced when I say this.
"No. God, Drake. You- you didn't even know about this world- you are not to blame."
"Neither are you." I say softly.
"You're too sweet for you own good." He replies. I shrug, and lean into him, gently placing a small kiss to his lips. "I could get used to that." He murmurs, and I smile.
"Me too..." and I know I could... it's the magic thing he talked about. I feel like I've known him for my entire life. My body craves his nearness. Craved his touch and feeling. My fingers reach up hesitantly, but when he doesn't stop me, I gently rub against his soft ears. "Your fur is so soft."
"You said that once before."
"Wait! Pause! I have a question!" I stand up, and shake my hands out with excitement. I love my mind right now! "So... you're mine, right? Like how you told him over the phone I was yours?" I ask, even through I know the answer; feeding into what's to come easily.
"Well... yeah. We belong to each other." He says, tilting his head a little "I thought I said that?"
"Cool, cool... so... you are my mate?" I ignore his end statement.
"And you're my Alec." He nods, obviously not seeing where I am going wish this.
"So... does that mean you're my pussy?" I ask, and a snicker burst form me. For a solid second, the only sound in the room comes from me.
"Oh, no, baby." He taunts me suddenly, his voice coy, and I freeze. "I'm not your pussy... I'm your cat, if you must. But I can't be a pussy. I don't have the parts that make them useful; unlike you." He picks right back, and my face goes red. My eyes cast downward, as he laughs. I guess I should have thought that through... but he pulled a fast one on me.
"That's not funny." I grumble, but he laughs louder.

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