Me three!- chapter one

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"Ah! Mm...MMM! Jacob! Please!" Low moans make their way into my room from the air vent... fucking hell, not this again.
"Baby, be patient. Good things come to little boys who wait."
"I don't wa-uh!" My best friend Dene cries out, his moans so loud I can feel them all the way down to my core- fuck!
"Shh... baby, you'll wake Garret again." Jason's soft, breathy voice whispers.
"It's okay... he wouldn't mi-JACOB!" Dene suddenly cries, and my own body tightens. Shit.
"Baby, fuck!" Jacob whisper yells, and my head spins...
"Wake him up! Wake him up, please! I want him to see- just like before-"
I quickly grab my headphones and shove them on before blasted my music and burying my face into my pillows. I didn't know Dene had an exhibitionist kink.
Please for the love of god, let me go to sleep already. I can't deal with this.
My eyes watch the alarm clock a minute before it is set to go off.
Fuck my life.
I sigh, then reach out and unplug the useless thing before tossing the blanket off of me and going to the bathroom.
My ears twitch and I reach up to brush the fur slightly, trying to calm my nerves. I need a long, warm bath, but I don't have time for that this morning. Plans for later tonight.
I snap the light on and shut the door behind me before quickly stripping then climbing into the shower and turning on the cold water.
I quickly wash off scrubbing my hair and ears before reaching down and washing my tail. The black fur looks so much like a drowned rat. Damn it. Why couldn't I be cute? Why do I look so freaking ugly. Like everyone says. One should never cross patches with a black cat. Well; in my case it's different. Half cat, I guess. Still, the same rule seems to apply in most people's mind.
I shake my head and finish up my shower and then reach out and turn the water off before grabbing a towel and scrubbing my hair before quickly drying my body and tail. Then I wrap the towel around my waist and go to the sink. I brush my teeth and then wash my face before grabbing a brush and combing my black hair back, knowing that once it dries it will just fall all over my face.
I glance up into the mirror for a second. Black hair and fluffy ears flattened a little. Pale skin. Blue eyes. A single silver stud slightly to the right on my lower lip.
I quickly look away and squeeze my eyes shut before letting the sink edge go and heading into the hall.
I quickly go into my room and grab a pair of dark jeans off of my dresser after pulling on my white panties on. Yeah, yeah, fuck off, I like panties, big whope.
The jeans are half way up my thighs when the door suddenly flies open and I jump, turning around quickly only to be caught up in my jeans and tripping over my own jeans. "Fu-Dene?" I look up quickly. He is standing by the door, blond ears and tail twitching in silent laughter.
"ARE-sor-" He suddenly bursts our laughing. "D-Garret- I didn't mean to- crap, are you okay?" He asks quickly, and then he comes over and offers me his hand. "Are you okay, hun?" He asks quickly, and I nod, frowning and I take his hand and he helps me stand up. I get to my feet and instantly reach back to brush my upper tail. Crap, that hurt more than I expected it to.
"Umm..." I look up quickly and my eyes widen when I see that Dene is looking down. I glance down stupidly and realize that my pants are around my ankles, and my panties on full display. I quickly release Dene's hand and hurtle myself into my closet, shutting the door behind me before I yell. "Out, Get out!"
"Garret? Hun-" he sounds confused, surprised, and a little hurt that I'm yelling. He always hates it when I yell at him.
"Please get out!" I scream at last, my hands start to shake as I try to keep myself hidden in my closet- funny how I'm doing this both literally and metaphorically. God, I'm such an idiot! Why did I move in here with them? How could I be so stupid? What the hell is wrong with me?
"Garret, your-"
"Fine!" I snap, so frustrated with myself, and angry too, "Please- I'm fine! Just- go!" My hands are shaking worse. I close my eyes tightly and try to ignore my surroundings. I hate spaces like this. I'm too closed in.
"Hey, Dene, where's Garret-" Jacob's voice is quickly cut off and then a second later the door on my closet is rattling.
"Garret- what the hell, man?! You can't lock- your-Get out here!" He demands.
I quickly reach up and cover my ears with my hands. I lower myself to the floor of the closet and press my back against a corner. I hurt him, it's all my fault- I need to calm down. But I can't let them see me like this. I can't let them see how badly I have gotten- how quickly I've worked myself up like this- then I it would be kind of too obvious. To both of them.
My eyes are tight and panic suddenly sets into me, and I grab tighter to my ears as my fear builds. It's illogical to suddenly feel so panicked about this. It's not a big deal, they both know I wear panties. They both just think that it's some kind of weird thing I like. They don't think anything of it. But...
I hate closets. I hate them- so freaking bad. I think that thats what has gotten me so upset. But my logic isn't making me feel better. My chest feels as closed as the door, and I don't know how to calm down. Everything is getting so bad so quick.
And then the door to the closet is bring yanked open and gentle hands grab hold of my face.
My eyes snap open and I am face to face with Jason. Jason is my friend from high school. I don't know how he even got here. But he is holding my face carefully, watching my eyes as he tried to get me to calm down, but he is making it worse. My breathing gets progressively harsher and then Jacob is there. He is lifting me into his arms and taking me to my bed, sitting down with me in his arms.
I look at his face, and a second later, Dene is sitting behind him, looking over his shoulder at me, his hand reaching out and brushing my tears away.
My eyes start to daze, and things get blurry... my hands fall from my ears and Jacob is quick to pull them up, placing them over my head.
"Just relax now, Hun." Dene's voice is gentle against my ears. "We can lay you down, and-"
"Don't leave me alone," I whisper quietly, then lean into Jacob's chest. "Please don't leave me alone-"
"We won't. We will be right here with you." Jacob whispers softly, then pulls me tighter against his chest before falling back enough to lay down and the turn on his side, pulling me against him and then I am being sandwiched between the both of them, my face digging deep into Jacob's chest as Dene rubs his hands against my sides. He is being gentle and it is making me calm down slowly.
I've never felt so safe, my fear melts away, and slowly I fall into sleep. My arms are tight around Jacob, and my tail drapes over Dene.
"Is he going to school?"
"No. He won't be going today. He needs rest. I am sure he would appreciate it if you got his papers for him." My face feels vibration and I him, nuzzling a little closer.
"Are you sure that he doesn't need to go to school? Maybe it would get his mind to settle. He was so-"
"He isn't going." Dene says quietly. "And that is final, Jason. Go on your own. Garret is not leaving us today. He is staying home."
"He wouldn't want to miss class."
"I don't give a damn. Jason, he needs rest. Go."
"Fine." Then I hear stomping and a door being shut heavily. A couple seconds later, warm arms tighten around my waist. I turn over and snuggle against the warmth of a small chest.
"I know you are awake, hun. Jacob is down stairs making breakfast. You might want to get up." He says softly.
"No." I grumble. "I don't wanna," I groan.
"Chocolate chip pancakes." Dene taunts. I can practically feel the smirk on his face from my position against him.
"I'm up, I'm- uh?" I sit up quickly, looking around me. Dark blue walls. Black blankets and white posters.
"We figured it would be best if we just brought you in here. Our bed is bigger." Dene says quietly.
"Okay..." I slowly force self to climb out of the bed and over the side, I bite my lip and then head for the door, needing to go to my bedroom to grab some actual clothes.
"There are some shorts and shirts laid out for you in our bathroom if you want to use our shower." Dene says softly.
"Okay." I head to the bathroom and turn the shower on. I feel all sweaty and gross. Gosh how could they stand to sleep next to me last night?
"Oh, Garret?" Dene asks, his voice calling through the door.
"Yeah?" I call back, pulling my panties down and climbing into the shower. It's quiet for a couple seconds before his voice sounds again.
"... Never mind. Just try to be fast? Don't want to let the pancakes get cold." Then I hear him walking away.
I shrug thoughtlessly and get into the shower. The warm water quickly washes away the yuck feeling.
I quickly clean up and scrub my ears, tail and hair clean of the sweat stench, immediately following through with washing the rest of my body before I turn the water off and grab the nearest towel.
Once I'm dry and dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that easily hides said shorts, I leave their room and head for mine.
Imagine my surprise when I go into the room only to find that my bed sheets and blankets have been removed. And that there are suitcases- my suitcases from the closet, sitting open on my bed. All of which are filed with my things.
But what makes it so much worse?
The multiple brochures for houses- one bedroom houses, scattered beside the suitcases. And, sitting on the edge of my bed is both Dene and Jacob, Dene on top of Jacob. Their tongues down each others throats.
My breathing quickens. But I refuse to cry. I refuse to flip out.
I should have expected this.
I slowly back out, going down stairs quickly and grabbing a pair of my shoes from the closet near the door, along with my jacket. Then I grab the nearest paper tablet and pencils. The one we use to leave each other notes just in case we have to leave before and we don't get a chance to find out.
I write two words.
And then I am running away.
I feel so stupid.
To be in love with them both; when it's obvious that neither one thought of me as more than a friend. And now I am beginning to wonder if they even think that much of me. Maybe they were just taking pity on the little boy with the dark hair and secret scars. Maybe they knew no one else would. Maybe they just wanted a charity case go make themselves feel better about some thing or another.
I rush down the street to the nearest coffee shop; asking for borrow the phone.
The woman behind the counter looks at me like I am crazy. But she gives me the phone and I thank her before turning away and dialing a familiar number.
It rings three times before a voice suddenly answers.
"Jason?" I breathe out quietly.
"Garret? What's the matter?" His voice is worried, scared even.
"Can I come stay with you for a while?"

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