Chapter 7 : Mommy Dearest

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Eleanor's mom always loved color black, we technically its not a color but for her it represented darkness,lose of hope and vengeance and it was way to go. she was never insecure about anything, ironically she loved shaming people and watch them cry out for their own mistakes so they could "learn" but it was way of fun too. she was never a good queen nor mother but god may protect those who said that to her or even thought of that in front of her.

Eleanor was almost identical to her mother but she lacked something, she tried not to but that ice was melting and the flaws were slowly moving out of her locked shell. even tho she wanted to find her mother she was scared of losing everything.

Eleanor: please spare me with your kisses darling.

a man : i can't stop loving you my queen.

Eleanor: maybe another round will do?

a man: your wish is my command.

Guards: I'm sorry my queen for interrupting but-

Eleanor: did you just open the goddamn door right in front of my sex scene, this is technically a sex tape for you. might as well enjoy it while you can. what the HELL do you WANT?

Guards: my queen, she's back.

Eleanor: what who's b- wait. the baddest bitch of all?

Guards: yes my queen.

Eleanor: you just called my mother a bitch. i will kill you too-

Fierce of ice was into guards heart but that ice was not clear or fierce, it was DARK and EVIL, twisted and unseen. guard fell with his eyes opened and right back of him there was the bitch, oh not just the bitch trust me she was the one hell of a scene.

Eleanor: and it wasn't even me this time. Mother before i say that i'm amazingly glad to see you alive and not even aged, i just wanna add one thing. please aim for the head next time.

Maria: I've missed you so much my dark child from hell, look at you all grown up and commanding me what a powerful queen you've become. don't you wanna hug your dearest mommy?

they were reunited, two of the most powerful witch queens of all generations were together, you could feel the impulse of them right off the castle. they were unstoppable together. forever and ever

Maria: my god Eleanor, don't tell me its a man in your bad. why not a woman ?

Eleanor: that was yesterday mother you've missed it.

Maria: come here beautiful young man

Queen maria's eyes were shifted into dark blue colors and aimed for the man's eyes.

Maria: put your pants on and jump of the balcony.

a man: yes my queen.

the man quickly put his pants on and without a hesitation he jumped off the balcony and hit the ground right before she blinked.

Eleanor: you really had to remind me of your play death scene mother?

Maria: you had to remember who was back.

Eleanor: you still have the strongest charms of all don't you?

Maria: i'm still young you know? also where is Catherine I've kinda missed her? even tho she's literally useless

Eleanor: well mother, she's dead. i killed her

Maria: what? why? and ew killing your own family member what is this? Rome ?

Eleanor: i had to summon the mirror mother.

Maria: wait you have the mirror my dear?

Eleanor: i sure as hell do mother.

Maria : thats my daughter.

Eleanor: call me Queen mother. but we have a problem.

Maria: what other problems besides you killing your sister.

Eleanor: we are not the only witches in our castle mother.

Maria: that's impossible i made sure to kill every other member so the power could've been only royal, who did i miss?

Eleanor: one trashy little tramp, who has power of fire, our literal counter.

Maria: what? she's young then because i was gone for long.

Eleanor: she is 19 just like me mother.

Maria: spare me from the details please, what does she want and where is she?

Eleanor: she almost captured the south castle, but i doubled the guards

Maria: what the HELL were you thinking? if she gets that castle and probably gets pregnant with some abomination her generation will have at least one pure fire blood in them and we won't be the only witches and she might even get this castle too.

Eleanor: i remember you as the strongest witch am i right?

Maria: you are.

Eleanor: lets pay that trashy tramp a visit then.

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