Chapter 10 : Castle's Slut

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two sisters were so powerful together, the aimed for the castle to get back the throne and the answers from their dearest mom.

Eleanor: why is the castle closed?

Diana: huh you are so welcome here

Eleanor: shut up, there must be something wrong.


Guards: i'm sorry miss but queen doesn't wanna see you.

Eleanor: Queen? what who? What queen? ITS ME HELLO?

Guards: i'm aware that you are the daughter but not the rightful queen.

Eleanor: my slut of a mother did this? expected kinda.

Eleanor: open the gates or i will open it roughly for you, NOW.

Maria: My lovely daughter, why are you so angry and who is that? your new lesbian lover?

Eleanor: first of all choke on your confidence, second of all NO its my sister that u tried to kill but couldn't do it because u were too whorey and greedy.

Maria: what? how are you alive disgrace?

Diana: gotta love mommies sweet words huh?

Eleanor: well mother, mind explaining what the hell is going on?

Maria: nothing much, the castle is mine and i'm the queen now.

Eleanor: well thats not possible, i have most trusted people in the castle that would never give you the documents if they were on their right minds bu- oh my spelled them and changed the documents are you serious?

Maria: my smart daughter i love.

Eleanor: you never loved me, you loved throne and power.

Maria: okey most likely you are right but, you are still my something.

Eleanor: your something? i'm gonna freeze you open you SLUT

Maria: leave the castle and live with your abomination that you call your sister.

Eleanor: excuse me? no. i will choke you on your own blood, then get your head on the village and make people laugh at you.

Maria: you always had this twisted creative mind ugh.

Maria: you leave me no choice, Guards kill both of them NOW.

guards quickly rushed to Diana and Eleanor but oh the poor souls, frozen, burned and finally gone. queen quickly called half a million army just to see her daughter bleed and suffer. but the thing was that they were way too powerful together. Diana the fierce and open minded daughter of Maria was fighting like a thirsty animal for prey, gutting open enemies, burning them and laughing while stepping on their dead bodies.

Eleanor was just laughing everything off and freezing everything that she touched, she summoned ice throne and sat on it just to watch the armies die one by one.

Finally the twisted sisters were together fighting and enjoying.

Maria was scared to death, but she knew that she was way more powerful.

Eleanor: so Maria, other half of the army is gone to north castles, what you got now?

Maria: mind control you to death?

Eleanor: smart but i'm wearing my tiara and so does Diana. gotta think of something else huh?

Maria: so what? you are just gonna kill me ? 2 versus 1? pathetic.

Eleanor: leave Diana out of this. lets fight only two of us, always wanted to rip your face apart anyways.

Maria: thats more like it .


Maria: Oh please, call me mom.

Two of the most powerful witches of south were fighting against each other to death, ice versus ice, Eleanor knew that she wasn't that powerful to defeat her own mother but she still tried her best. ice spears, crystal rain, blood freeze, ice armor. she was still getting closer to death.

Maria: so much fun, oh look Diana ran away too.

Eleanor: ...

Maria: come on live a little more.

Eleanor was throwing ice like a beast, but at the same time she was gentle queen of south. dark ice quickly pierced her right arm and she only had one hand in use.

Maria: so gotta admit for a bitch queen you are pretty strong, but its over now you gotta go. Dynasty is mine , it was always mine.

Eleanor: you still don't know me. i don't play fair you slut.

Maria: what?

Diana stabbed Maria in the back after hearing Eleanor's signal. Maria fell and froze air around her.

Eleanor: come out, come out wherever you are.

Diana: open that ball of ice you whore.

Maria: Please Don't end me like this. we can talk and lean about this just don't kill me.

Diana: any thoughts ?

Eleanor: yeah got one. burn her to death.

Diana: oh my, gotta love that cold heart of yours.

Maria was screaming to her death while she was getting flamed by Diana, every enchanted people around her got their minds back but castle had only guards left, everyone else was dead.

Eleanor: wait we really killed that many people, who is gonna protect our castle sister?

Diana: two of us obviously.

Eleanor: don't betray me like my mother

Diana: never, are you ready to rule?

Eleanor : with you sure.

Diana: so we are in this forever?

Eleanor: forever and ever ~

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