Cotton Candy?

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   "Eunwoo! Cha Eunwoo!"

   Eunwoo tried to ignore his name being called from behind him. But when an arm found its way around his waste, he was more than shocked.

   "Bitch the fuck." Eunwoo spat at MoonBin.

   "Did you forget about our game? You should try to be a bit more loving towards me."

   Eunwoo pushed Bin's arm off of his waste, and instead intertwined their fingers.

   "Of course Darling Dearest." He said with a smirk.

   The two walked through the hallways towards science class, holding hands the whole time. And when they made their way through the classroom door, they were met with the teacher pointing to their hands and giving them a disapproving glare.

   "This is school boys. No holding hands please." The teacher exclaimed.

   They separated their hands, and Bin gave a small wave to Eunwoo as he walked to his desk.

   Throughout class Moon Bin's eyes kept making their way towards Eunwoo. And soon enough Bin completely gave up on listening to the lesson. For The full fourty-five minutes of class Bin watched Eunwoo taking notes.

   Bin's eyes traced along each and every wisp of hair on Eunwoo's head. He stared into Eunwoo's eyes, taking in the chocolatey sweetness of his irises. He watched Eunwoo's  hand breeze across his notes. And he spent most of his time gazing at Eunwoo's lips. So perfectly pink and delicate, it reminded Bin of cotton candy.

   Moon Bin wondered what it would feel like to press his own lips onto Eunwoo's.

   'Perhaps he would taste like cotton candy as well.'

   Sadly, however, his star gazing was cut short when the passing period bell rang.

   Moon Bin sprung to his feet, grabbed his bag, and made his way to the classroom door. He tried to catch up to Eunwoo, but he was already down the hallway on his way to next period.

   'Why must you be so beautiful, Cha Eunwoo?'

Did someone snEEZE??

Did someone snEEZE??

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