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((unnecessary a/n: hi!! it's been a long time. omg. i kind of forgot that i was writing this?? oops. but since i'm not on actual vacation anymore, i'll start trying to get back into a schedule. I have a few chapters pre written and they should be out this week! thank you for 82 reads and 102 on #pyro holy shit.))

We're walking out of the park and suddenly I see fireflies and go running after one. I probably look so childish, but come on. It's a firefly. I catch one and peek between my hands where I see it light up and I smile.
"I heard brits don't have fireflies." I smile at Niall.
"What the hell is a firefly? Sounds fuckin rad." Alex comes over and peeks between my fingers to see the little bug walking around.
"He's so cute!" He giggles.
I hold my hands up to Niall, gesturing for him to look, and he smiles as he peers into the cave I created for the insect.
"Woah. I want 1,000." He laughs.
I decide to let it go, and i let it fly out my hand.
I ask the boys if they want to stop by my place for ice cream, and, of course they say yes.
We walk up to my apartment, and when we get to my floor they're practically screaming, cracking jokes and talking about the movie.
"You guys, shut the fuck up. You're gonna get me evicted." I whisper, giggling.
I turn the key in the door, and open it up. It's not the biggest place, but it's home. The bathroom is right in front of the front door, my bedroom is to the left of that, there's a spare room to the right of the bathroom, and then it opens up to a well lit kitchen and living room. I have an arts degree and in my free time I go to IKEA and pick things out for my hobby of interior design.
The boys are looking around, touching everything like toddlers, and eventually all make their way to the long corner couch I have. I thought that the couch was useless because I'm alone all the time, but I'm happy I bought it. My younger cat, Cat Stevens, runs out and jumps on the couch to greet everyone, and they laugh when they hear his name.
"I love Cat Stevens!!" George exclaims, eyes wide.

After getting settled on my couch, they start asking about the ice cream I promised and so I walk to the kitchen, pulling out the bowls and spoons and the toppings.
I'm a lame bitch so I get vanilla ice cream but it's the best, because everything tastes good with it! Peanuts, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, cherries, candy, cookies, the whole deal.
I call them in when I'm ready for them to raid my kitchen of my sweets. They're so cute when they're excited and I just sit at a bar stool and giggle at them as they pass the toppings to each other and argue about who had what last.
We eventually all sit down and talk about our lives.
"We were here for something lame, but this is SO much better." Tom smiles.
"I don't want to leave, honestly. I don't really want to go back home." Roman sighs.
"What do you guys have back home? Like, where do you live? Do you have any pets?" I ask, scooping ice cream off the bottom of the bowl.
"I own an apartment with my girlfriend," Alex says and then looks over to Niall. He looks almost guilty, and he eventually starts scraping the bowl like I was.
"Same." He eventually replies.
He has a girlfriend. I mean, of course he does. Led on? Sure. But I have a new best friend now, and being with him, and the rest of the guys, makes me forget about everything. We talk a little longer, and then I bring our bowls into the kitchen to rinse and put in my dish washer. I look at the time on the microwave and it says 11:52pm. I gasp and turn to them.
"Guys it's super late, I'm sorry I kept you for so long." I say apologetically.
"It's alright, it was fun." Roman says.
"If it's too late for you guys, you can crash here, it won't be a bother, but I think your last train was at 11." I state. I feel terrible for losing track of time so easily.
"That would be sweet. I call spare!" Alex runs to the other room.
We eventually all settle on where we're gonna sleep, and Tom and Niall are on the floor in my room.
"I'm not tired." Tom states blankly.
"Good to know." I laugh.
It was quiet for a moment as i just stared at my ceiling, and then I turned over to see that Niall and Tom were already asleep.
"So much for staying up," I mumble, smiling, as I reach for the string on the lamp. I turn out the lights and turn over, falling asleep.

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