Proverbial "Girl's Night"- part 1

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(( hey y'all, so sorry its been sO long :( I'm so stressed. senior year just started and I have so much to do and I signed up for shit I don't even wanna do like. why. anyway tysm for all the reads and support!! you guys really are the only reason why I still wanna write this, even if it is quite minimal. I'm so glad you are enjoying and ill try my best to keep it up more :P ))

I woke up at 7:37am to the sound of my chiming alarm reminding me not to snooze it for the fourth time. I sit up and yawn, slowly rolling out of bed to get ready for the day. I stand up, grab an outfit and walk to the bathroom where I turn on the shower and run to grab my bluetooth speaker. I shuffle my playlist and the first song that comes on is Eleanor Rigby by the Beatles.

I jump into the shower and rinse off before work, and when I step out, I slip on the floor and fall on my ass. I almost scream but manage to keep my volume at an acceptable level. I stand up and recover myself, before getting dressed and grab the stuff I need for work. I look myself up and down in the mirror, giving myself an approving nod. a white ribbed crop top, high waisted black and white plaid pants, and a long coat. I grab my purse and hang it over my shoulder and walk out the door, pulling my phone up into view as soon as I lock my door. "ALEXX" is the name that lights my face in the early morning light and I pull the phone up to my ear.

"hello?" I voice, sounding more confused than probably necessary.

"Hey. It's Alex? I was just wondering if you have been in contact with Niall at all?" He sounds like an interrogator and I have to chuckle.

"Yeah, well I talked to him 3 days ago. He hasn't been texting me back." I fade out, getting a little worried.

"Alright, well I would call him and ask what's up with Bianca. I'll talk to you later, girl. Bye!" he hangs up before I have any time to even take into account what he just said. Who is Bianca? Does he have a girlfriend? I mean, we aren't dating, but I thought at the least we had something special...

I realize Ive been staring at my phone in the lobby for a while now, and walk out onto the street heading to work. I am still frowning while I text Niall.

Y/N: hey

Y/N: ik we haven't talked in a few, can you pls call me

Eyebrows furrowed, I stuff my hands into my pockets and stride my way to my office. When I get there, I immediately check my phone. Delivered. I set it down next to my drawing tablet and wrap my coat around my chair. I sit down and stare at my dark phone screen.

I need to let it go. if he's interested, I can't do anything about that. A hint of sadness hits the back of my throat before I swallow it down and turn on my laptop, checking my email before putting my AirPods in ((flex)) and start at a design that I'm working on for a client.

    Although my work is time consuming, it never ceases to amaze me. When I check the time in the corner of my tablet's screen, it reads 6:21pm. Had I really been working for almost 6 hours straight? I stretch and smile as I push back from my desk, satisfied with the work done today. I walk to the lounge, taking my coffee mug from the cabinet. I start the single serve Keurig machine and sit down, heaving a sigh as I flop into an uncomfortable fold-out chair at the table. Niall crosses my mind briefly, as he often does, but I don't rush to my phone. I can't let this control my life like last time.
I walk back to my desk while focusing on moving my fingers around my mug as if it changed the temperature of the scalding ceramic. When I finally sit down, I can't keep myself from checking the notifications.

0 new messages.

Overwhelming disappointment.
What could I have expected? Could there be a chance he's not replying because he's on a date with some hot girl? I don't even know how to feel. Angry? Sad?
I decide on foolish.

I take a cab home, keeping my composure on the outside while my fire slowly fades out. When I kick myself through my door, I throw my keys on the table by the door and mope to the kitchen. I reach for a glass and go to the fridge for a sparkling water, hoping for something stronger. I find an opened wine bottle that a guest must've brought a while back. It's not really what I need right now, but I may as well go through the movements of the proverbial "girl's night." Minus the girls.

Lighter Thief (PyrocynicalxReader)Where stories live. Discover now