weeks ahead

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((omg i literally suck so much haha. i completely forgot about this and apparently people want more? so i'm writing more. so sorry again for the past due update i've just been busy and not rly thinking about it. tysm for reading tho i never thought people would care :-) anyways~))

It's been nearly a week since the boys left and Niall and I Skype every night. I haven't been this close with someone in I don't know how long, and it's a weight off my shoulders. I love being able to talk to someone about everything, not to mention someone who genuinely likes me.
"It was horrible." I'm trying to hold back laughter as I watch Niall laughing on screen.
"You tripped him!" He says like I'm crazy.
"I was defending myself." I declare.
"You we're defending the last sandwich, that's what you were doing." He shakes his head.
We sit there in a comfortable silence as my music plays in the distance. I'm laying on my stomach on my mattress as I admire him. He chuckles and runs his hand through his hair.
"When can I see you again?" He blurts.
"I don't know, you're in a different country." I laugh.
"I'm serious, (y/n). I miss you. You're driving me fucking crazy." He smiles.
I roll my eyes and flip him off. I wanted to surprise him by coming to visit him but I don't know where I would find the time or money to go to London before he came back here.
"We'll figure it out. I liked your new video by the way." I set my head in my hand and smile.
"I didn't even put in that much work and it's one of my most popular videos. Youtube is on crack."
I giggle and take a drink of my glass of water and sigh.
"I'm really tired and I have my interview tomorrow, so I'm probably gonna head to bed." I say reluctantly.
"Alright, good luck and sweet dreams." He waves.
"Only of you," I wink and wave as I end the call.
I throw myself onto my bed and smile. Life is good right now.
I wake up at about 6:45am and lay there staring at my ceiling. I finally find the strength to get out of bed and head into my morning routine. I walk into the bathroom and see the note. "Im finally happy on my own". I quickly grab a pen and rewrite, "I'll always be happy on my own". As I'm walking out the door, I look at myself in the mirror. A white ribbed shirt, black slacks, all black Vans, and a tan pea coat. I do a few poses and approve, grab my keys, and head out.
I drive past a coffee shop and (quickly and quite dangerously) pull into the drive thru, grabbing coffee for myself and head to the studio I hope to intern at, Stink Studios. Yeah, that's the real name.
I pull into the driveway and whip out my student ID to get into the parking garage, then check in at the front desk in the building.
"They'll be right with you, Miss." The receptionist smiles with his icy blue eyes.
I sit down and grab my tablet from my bag and look over my resume and my portfolio to make sure it's all in line. I get distracted drawing the receptionist and after about 20 minutes, they call me in.
A tall man with caramel skin and a perfectly ironed suit leads me into a conference room.
It's really nice to meet you, (Y/N)." He smiles back at me.
"You as well! I'm really excited for this." I'm grinning ear to ear and he chuckles.
"We're excited to see what you've got."
I walk out of the building and lightly jog to the side of the building where I won't embarrass myself.
"Hell yeah baby!!" I scream and jump.
I put my hands together in a praying figure and motion toward the sky, squeezing my eyes shut, trying not to cry. This is everything right now. I walk to my car and sit down silently. I slowly smile and do a little beat on my car horn but someone from across the lot started yelling at me so I got out of there. I'm getting on the highway when I remember that I should call Niall.
The phone rings on speaker and I wait patiently.
It continues to ring, and ring, and ring.
It goes to voicemail and my heart drops.
"Hey, Niall. Just wanted to call to tell you something amazing happened today. Call me back, I have crazy good news!"
I hang up, not worrying that he didn't answer and just focus on the road and getting home so I can brag to my cats.
It's been about 6 hours since I'd called Niall, and I start to get worried. I text Alex and ask if he's okay, and I feel like I'm harping but he's in a completely different country so of course I'm gonna worry.
I actually haven't heard from him today but I can text him rn - Alex
Now I'm more confused because they're really close and if he doesn't know what's up...
Yup he's chill just got back from a day out ig i think he's gonna call u - Alex
A wave of relief washes over me when I hear my computer's ringtone. I quickly answer with an ear to ear smile.
"Hi." He says, smiling as always.
"Hi, how was your day?" I say calmly.
"Pretty good, just out on the town all day, and I forgot my phone. I got your message when I got home. So...." He anticipates.
"So, guess who's a fricking paid intern now?" I smile ecstatically.
"You're amazing. I knew you were gonna get it, I mean, how couldn't you?" He chuckles.
"I know, I'm just that good."
"I wanna hug you right now! I'm so happy for you, (Y/N). Oh, the boys and I were talking and we want you to come visit! Now's probably not a great time, but soon." He proposes the idea and he's smiling tiredly.
"I'm 100% down for that," I giggle.
"Sweet, we can talk about it more. I'm super beat though so I think I'm gonna get some shut eye. Again, I'm so sorry so forgot my phone, I wish I could've heard your voice in the moment." He laughs.
We hang up and I wonder.
What was he doing in town today?

Lighter Thief (PyrocynicalxReader)Where stories live. Discover now