Mileven- Fight

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ooooh this is gonna be....ooh. prepare yoself.

Mike and Eleven barely fought with each other. They were a couple who were so deeply in love that even just disagreeing made them feel hurt. But today was an exception. This was the first real fight they've ever had, and it wasn't going well...

"El! I didn't even do anything! You're overreacting! Just calm down!" the boy exclaimed, frustrated out of his mind.

(quick a/n...never. tell a girl to "calm down!" ESPECIALLY a telekenitic girl! 🙄 good luck bud.)

El glared at him as the anger she was feeling evolved to annoyance and pure rage that burned inside her.

"Calm down?! Calm down?!!" the infurated girl exclaimed.

"She is Victoria Anne! She was flirting with you! She was sitting there fluttering her, may i add, fake eyelashes and twirling her hair! And what shes just talking to you?! And are we gonna pretend you didnt flirt back?!"

Her breathing was heavy now, the fury in her only growing like a fire in the forest. Her eyes were glowing with rage and her hands were shaking with anger.

Mike however, thought she was being unreasonable. And El knew that he thought that. Which made her even more furious.

El shook her head and felt the tears threatning to spill, exposing that she was more upset, than mad.

She shook her head violently and stormed out of the room, slamming the door with her mind.

Tears were now running down her pink cheeks and she felt extremely upset, and completely broken. It broke her fragile heart to argue with the love of her life, but she can't not be upset.

From her dishevelled hair to the hoodie Mike lent her, the faint scent of him lingered in it, making her miss the adorable geek even more. And she could feel the sadness crashing down on her like strong waves burying the sandy shore.

She never really liked disagreeing with anyone, shes been through quite enough of that. But if she feels that she's right with something, she will stand her ground, and wont let anybody, move her.

She enters the cabin, and more tears rushed down her, already tear stained cheeks that was sticky and uncomfortable.

She yearned for a tight hug from him, a hug that would glue the broken pieces of her heart back together and bring her back to the boy she loved with all her heart and soul.

She trudged to her room, the silence so deafening and sorrowful that she almost broke out crying again. She throws her petite body on her comfortable bed and tried to shut the world out, and focus on nothing.


Meanwhile, Mike was in the basement, his sobs, tears and sniffles could be heard from miles away, and to say that Nancy was deeply concerned was an understatement.

It's been an hour, and all he's done was crying and occasionally punching the pillow aggresively.

He wanted to isolate himself from everyone. So far, he was doing a great job. He felt so depressed and ashamed of himself for actuall even talking to Victoria. And he wanted nothing more than to kick himself and sob for the rest of his life.

"Hey Mike..." a tall girl shuffled into the basement, which was concealing a crying boy who felt absolutely depressed and dead inside.

She crouched beside her brother and stroked his fluffy curls, trying to comfort him somehow, only making him break down in front of her.

She locks his arms around the lanky boy whos breaths were uneven and rough.

"N-Nancy...she's...shes gone." he croaked out, his voice sounding so wobbly and brittle, making the girl pull her brother closer to her.

"I'm sorry Mike. You should try make amends. Trust me. But, right now, give her time." she said gravelly, stroking his hair.

He nods, hesitant but soon agrees to his sister.

They stayed like that for a great amount of time, Nancy trying to comfort him, and Mike, trying to stay positive, that maybe, he can get her back. Because right now, she's all he wants.


hehe. part two coming soon so dont
cream your pants!! anyyyyways hugs and kisses every one! 😘😘
- Lily 💛💛💛

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