Mileven- put me down!

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hey its your very annoying author, writing this in 2;00 in the morning but i mean im not sleepy so im providing you with a fluffy chapter to make up for the uhm...sAd chapter i gave you so yepppp enjoy peeps ;))


Nights with El are the best. (okAY nOt liKE thAt geEz.)

But mornings are quite tricky.

The sunlights peeps through the blinds, creating shadows on El's perfect, beautiful, face that was peaceful. Her mouth was slightly open, letting a few muffled snores flow through, which filled the relaxing atmosphere.

She lied in between my arms, her legs tangled with mine, and her hair gently laid on her left shoulder, giving me access to gaze upon her beautiful face.

Don't get me wrong, I love just lying here with her, but at one point, we have to get up.

And that was the trouble. 

El, LOVES sleep.

So, I shake her shoulder slightly, whispering her name and brushing out some baby hairs that framed her forehead, which had flawless, soft skin.

She moaned and buried her face in the crook of my neck, and her arms looped around my hips.

I blush slightly and feel the blood rushing to my pale cheeks, which made the blush even more noticible.

"El!" I teased, making her giggle lightly, causing some strands of hair to fall behind her ears, which made her look gorgeous.

"WhaT." her warm breath tickling my neck, making me smile slightly,

"You need to get out of bed. It's really not very hard..." I mutter, making her scrunch her eyebrows and shove my bare chest slightly.

"NO. Im hibernating. So leave me and my sleep alone." she grumbled, making me chuckle.

"What?" I lean backwards a bit, looking at her, confusion and amusement clear in my eyes.

"it's not even cold outside. And youre not an animal." I stated in a weird, teasing tone.

She rolls her doe eyes and close her eyes again, making her long, eyelashes brush against her cheeks.

"I can be whatever I wanna be." she huffed, making me burst out in laughter, shaking my head in amusement and I stand up from the comfortable bed.

"You asked for it..." I smirked mischeviously, grabbing her my her hips and gently sweep her up to my shoulders while she let out a surprised squeak.

"MIKE! PUT ME DOWN!!" she yelled, flailing her arms around and kicking me gently.

"I throw her into the couch and tickle her, causing laughter and yells to erupt in the cabin.

I think I found the way to wake her up now....


isnt this the worst chap ever?? sry but im really sleepy now so hahah 

😂 oops anyways, i need to sleep and i promise i will make it up to you all 

xo lily 💋

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