Saints P3

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kitties!: Hello?

kitties!: Anybody active?

kitties!: ..are you all busy?

kitties!: I'll take the complete silence as a yes..

kitties!: It's been 3 hours, is anyone available now?

alcoholicfairy: GUYS

alcoholicfairy: HOLY FUVK

alcoholicfairy: WERE SOS OLD

Shut Up™: Tytan, shut.

alcoholicfairy: but

Shut Up™: no. Shut up. Now.

alcoholicfairy: hnnnnnnn

elf: gay

Shut Up™: We know you are

elf: thank

elf: tired

human cuck: fuck off

elf: suck a dick asshat

human cuck: im straight

Shut Up™: you were not yesterday

human cuck: ????

alcoholicfairy: HA I GET IT

Arachnophobia: He's really not gay or European

elf: neither is disgrace though

saintpinkboi: Hi Violet!

kitties!: Hey Trine.

human cuck changed kitties!'s name to titties!.

human cuck: haha

titties!: No!!!

alcoholicfairy: that's not foskcinf finny u ass

alcoholicfairy changed titties!'s name to kitties!.

kitties!: :(

elf: this is why no one like you xavier

Shut Up™: Nobody makes fun of Violet and you know it.

Shut Up™: alsohelloarachily

human cuck: woah when tf

elf: lmao get it

Arachnophobia: Tristyn n o

elf: dont yell at me im tired

saintpinkboi: Go to sleep, then.

elf: cant

elf: work

elf: bye

kitties! is typing...

Shut Up™: ...can we make fun of him?

Arachnophobia: His accent is gay

alcoholicfairy: hate yo breaj it 2 u but u hav the same accent

human cuck: and its fuckin gay

Arachnophobia: I'm not gay thou

Shut Up™: Debatable but not really.

saintpinkboi: We should not be making fun of anybody.

human cuck: yet its fine for them to be mean to me?

human cuck: favoritism

alcoholicfairy: wow u kno big wurds

saintpinkboi: It is not okay, but you can handle it.

human cuck: uuuuuggggggghhhhhh

Arachnophobia: I can make fun of Tristyn he's my friend

Shut Up™: I can make fun of him because I'm me and I don't talk

alcoholicfairy: i xan makr fun if him cuz  i...

alcoholicfairy: he lub me fucm u

saintpinkboi: None of these are valid reasons...?

alcoholicfairy: literlay u made gun od his hair uedtreday

human cuck: w.  O.  W

Shut Up™: Trine making fun of Tristyn? Impossible! It was probably playful flirting.

alcoholicfairy: ...

alcoholicfairy: u kno what it lroably was

saintpinkboi: I said that his hair looked nice, how is that any of those things?

Shut Up™: Compliments could be flirting in the right tone shut up

Arachnophobia: Very true, very true

kitties!: why did you guys ignore me? It said you were online. Do you just not like me? Am I not worth your time? Should I just leave..? Why do you all hate me so much? What have I done...please talk to me, acknowledge that I'm here! Please...|

kitties!: When is our next meeting?

human cuck: u can meet with me anytime ;)

alcoholicfairy: u leav her alkne cint

Shut Up™: You aren't allowed near Violet or else I will actually stab you without hesitation.

Arachnophobia: wow

saintpinkboi: In 4 days.

kitties!: Thanks.. I'm gonna go to bed, too. Night guys.

alcoholicfairy: booze

alcoholicfairy: go good with boobs

alcoholicfairy: id tale a cup a bothw

alcoholicfairy: stars i luv gurls

Shut Up™: We know, you say it all the time.

Arachnophobia: I love girls too

human cuck: tits

Shut Up™: Uh uh...boys.

saintpinkboi: I...why?

Shut Up™: GUYS

alcoholicfairy: tirne maens trisryhn

human cuck: disgusting

human cuck: that fag

alcoholicfairy kicked human cuck.

alcoholicfairy: no

Shut Up™: Why do we keep adding him?

Arachnophobia: honestly

saintpinkboi: Like it or not, he is our co-worker.

Shut Up™: Ugh. Xavier.

Shut Up™: 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴

alcoholicfairy: wut

Shut Up™: 7 emojis to represent 7 Saints a-sleepin'.

saintpinkboi: But four of us are still here, and I'm assuming Xavier is not actually asleep.

Shut Up™: Shut up. Go to bed. Sleep children. Sleep.

Arachnophobia: She's actually about to fall asleep, it's funny.

Shut Up™: Don't you dare tell them my secrets spider boy.

Arachnophobia: Ouch. My spider feelings.

alcoholicfairy: spider dicc

Arachnophobia: Why is everything dirty with you

alcoholicfairy: do h Kno who ur talkin 2?

Arachnophobia: ...

Arachnophobia: you're right

saintpinkboi: Well, I'm heading to bed now, good night.

Arachnophobia: same

alcoholicfairy: u diccs jus left me.allne wtf wrong w u

alcoholicfairy: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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