Lady Amber: is a seal a sea creature or a wild animal?
Lady Tiegra: Amber, it's too early for this.
Lady Amber: The people want to know!
Lady Trinity: Seals are seals.
Lady Amber: :I
Lady Amber: Thanks.
Lady Trinity: You are welcome.
Lord Markus: Damn it some of us are trying to sleep.
Lady Amber: All you do is sleep, Markus.
Lord Markus: Because I have nothing to do. Humans don't come to Heaven anymore, what do you want from me?
Lady Tiegra: Maybe if you participated in their culture more they would still believe.
Lord Markus: They didn't want me anymore! Cast aside their own God..
Lady Amber: Weeeeeellll...they had their reasons, pal.
Lord Markus: I suppose, but this is not the point.
Lady Trinity: If you want to sleep so bad, mute us.
Lady Amber: Ha..?
Lady Trinity: Yes, ha. Ha ha.
Lady Tiegra: Markus is...stupid.
Lady Amber: LMAOOOO!
Lady Amber: Or rather laughing my tail off.
Lady Tiegra: Why tail?
Lady Amber: I'm rather fond of my ass, I would not like to lose it.
Lady Trinity: You do have a nice ass, m'lady.
Lady Tiegra: TRINITY, NO.
Lady Trinity: I saw the opportunity and I siezed it.
Lady Amber: OuO
Lady Tiegra: For the love of the Suns, Amber, don't do that.
Lady Amber: ÓwÒ
Lady Tiegra: I am disowning you as my sister.
Lady Trinity: What...what is she doing?
Lady Amber: *nuzzles you* TvT
Lady Trinity: You aren't even near me?
Lady Tiegra: Ignore her, for the love of Mother, ignore. Her.
Lady Amber: Okay I'm done.
Lady Amber: I hate myself.
Lady Tiegra: You should.
Lady Tiegra: Amber, you can't summon others.
Lord Bailin: I've been trying to ignore this chat for centuries, but it seems I am obligated to respond, for I have been summoned.
Lady Tiegra: Bailin, honey, please do not fuel my sister's little games.
Lord Bailin: Yes, love.
Lady Trinity: Holy Stars I forgot you two were married.
Lord Bailin: Technically we are not married by today's standards.
Lady Amber: Didn't you guys invent the act of marriage?
Lady Amber: Because you were so madly in love and you wanted to like, I don't know...
Lady Tiegra: Huh.
Lord Bailin: I made something other than Elves? That's cool I guess.
Lady Amber: I checked in on the humans once and heck they are horrible with relationships.
Lord Bailin: What do you mean?
Lady Amber: people will go out with one person but then cheat on them for no reason
Lady Amber: they don't actually care about being in a relationship, they just want sex
Lady Tiegra: And whose fault is that?
Lady Amber: owo sorry
Lady Tiegra: I'm going to murder you one day
Lord Bailin: Honey, no
Lady Tiegra: ...
Lady Tiegra: Honey, yes!
Lady Amber: qwq
Lady Tiegra: Don't make me come over there.
Lady Amber: Sorry, skrry, I'm truly done
Lord Bailin: Why did you summon me anyway
Lady Amber: ur wife is being mean to me
Lady Tiegra: Go to bed you little nuisance.
Lady Amber: Ughhhhhh fineeee
Lord Bailin: I do regret responding.
Lady Tiegra: I regret being related to her.
Lord Bailin: No you don't.
Lady Tiegra: ...
Lady Tiegra: ...
Lady Tiegra: Shit, you're right..