Chapter6.2: One's Lifetime Is Extremely Long; Spend It With Interesting People

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Mr. F's moniker in our house is Mr. Fortune Teller, because he is always able to predict everything extremely accurately. When I was due to go to City X to attend my friend's wedding, I decided to book the 7AM flight ticket due to its cheap price. Mr. F was away on a business trip then, and when he heard about my decision he expressed his disbelief in my ability to board the flight on time.

"A 7AM flight means that you'd have to leave the house at 5:30AM. Are you sure you'd be able to wake up?"

I was extremely confident, "Don't worry, there won't be any problems!"

In the end, on the night before the flight, I had to work overtime till 2AM.

In the wee hours of the morning, I received a call from Mr. F, "It's time to wake up."

Me: "It's only 5AM..."

"You stayed up last night?"

"Stop talking, I need to treasure my sleep - I can sleep for at least 10 more minutes..."

I hung up in a daze, and when I re-opened my eyes, it was already 7:30AM. I called Mr. F in my despair.

"I woke up late."

"I know."

"Let me try to postpone my flight..."

"I already helped you to postpone your flight. Your plane is due for takeoff at 9:45AM. If the road to the airport isn't congested, you'd be able to reach in thirty minutes, so now that you've woken up you still have time for breakfast.

P.S. I knew this would happen from the start."

Me: "Mr. Fortune Teller, please allow me to kowtow to you!!!"


Before we fell asleep, I inquired, "What do you like about me?"

He opened his mouth and rattled off instantly, "You're kind, understanding, interesting, and independent. Moreover, you have good character and taste."

"What else?"

"You're pretty."

Full marks! I praised him for honesty, and pecked him on the cheek before turning the lights off.

I jerked awake in the middle of the night. That's not right, whoever he's describing - it's definitely not me! Does he have another wife outside?!


As his job frequently requires him to take extended business trips, he often worries about me staying at home alone. Once, while I was in the midst of helping him pack his luggage, he suddenly asked me, rather childishly, to accompany him on his trip.

I refused.

As his flight was an early flight, he was already gone when I awoke in the morning. I rose from the bed and made my way to the kitchen in a daze. Whilst drinking a cup of water, I noticed a note placed on the refrigerator. I took a step closer, and saw his hasty scribble:

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