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luke's pov:

"are you almost ready, sweetheart?" jim, one of my foster fathers, voice rung from downstairs.

"almost! I'm just double checking." I replied.

I heard him sigh, but ignored it as I went through everything I'd need for the next month. surely my bags were packed two days ago and I'm not forgetting anything, but still. I grinned to myself and zipped my suitcase closed. I was ready. I stumbled down the stairs and found both my foster fathers waiting at the door.

"have everything, luke?" curt, my other foster father, asked.

"I hope so." I responded as we make our way out to our infamous mini van of steel. the rusty thing has definitely had it's run.

"meds?" jim questioned.

"of course."

he gave me a smile and started the van. it sputtered countless times before roaring to life. I rolled my eyes.

"hey no eye rolling. next year we are getting a new car. this baby will be yours." curt chuckled turning around to wink at me.

"eh that's okay. I already have saved up a bit to buy my own." I laughed.

"fine fine I get it. it's not cool enough for you kids nowadays." he gigglds, making dramatic hand gestures as he spoke. "though you'll be driving it in Sydney until we're back."

"yeah yeah." I rolled my eyes once again. "so you're both positive beth doesn't mind that I'm staying?" I changed the subject. beth was an old family friend of ours. she grew up with my dads and were always supportive with their sexuality, seeing as my grandparents were disapproving.

"honey. for the thousandth time, she's overjoyed you're staying with her. if I'm correct, I've heard she adopted a younger boy last year."

oh? This was news to me. I hummed in reply, and sat back in my seat. I glanced out the window as I ponderes about this new "younger boy". just how much younger was he? I really hoped I didn't have to share a room with a seven year old or something, seeing as I was going to be there for so long. I shrugged myself from my thoughts and pulled my earphones out of my bag. I put them in and laid back, the sweet sound of kurt cobain drowning me.


"luke honey. wake up. we're here." I awoke to curt's voice and gentle shaking of me.

the bright summer sun blinded my vision as I tried to open my eyes. I guess I fell asleep sometime during the six hour drive to the airport. I uncurled from my position and climbed through the front. I stepped out, immediately getting squeezed to death by my foster dads.

"we're going to miss you so much. we will call every night and send postcards and bring you back souvenirs and-"

"I'll miss you guys too." I had cut jim off with a chuckle.

"take care of her." curt smiled, handing me the keys to the van.

I gave them one last hug and climbed into the drivers seat. they grabbed their bags from the back and jim popped his head into the window.

"you're sure you know where to go?"

"yes. now go have fun! you two deserve it." I smiled genuinely.

"okay okay. we love you. be safe."

"I love you too, and I will. I'm almost eighteen I'm sure I'll survive." I rolled my eyes for what felt like the hundredth time todsy. "now hurry before you miss your flight!"

they nodded eagerly and waves goodbye as I drove away from them and the airport.

now I was off to beth's and this new "younger boy."

please smile - l.h. + m.c.Where stories live. Discover now