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Seokjin's POV

Today is fourteenth day without sex and we are both desperate. It is Sunday and Joon is at home, so we have a plan. After breakfast I turn on cartoons for Yoongi and put his colour books and crayons on coffee table. I told him to draw picture for appa and eomma and to stay in the living room. Yoongi is immersed in the cartoons and we go back in our bedroom. We get naked and start to kiss. Namjoon is caressing my ass cheeks and slowly kisses my stomach. He is preparing me with his finger and he is about getting into me when I hear creak of the bedroom's door and Yoongi's head peeked inside.

"No Yoongi!"

We both scream but he is already fully standing in the bedroom. I kick Joon off me and he fell from the bed and hit the ground with loud thump.

"Yoongi eomma told you to stay in the living room!"

The small kitten runs away in tears and I hurry and dressed up.

"I think that it is time to get him his own room."

"Yes please ..."

Namjoon is laying on ground with bleeding nose. I help him to stand up and lead him to bathroom.

"I am sorry Joon."

He waved his hand and finds some cotton to stop the bleeding.

"I will go to find Yoongi okay?"

He nodded and I run to find my crying kitten. Yoongi is sitting in hallway and he is trying to put on his shoes.

"Baby is going somewhere?"

Yoongi turns his head to me and I see his red puffy eyes and tears stained cheeks.

"Don't want Yoonie."

I quickly hug him because my small kitten can't think things like this.

"Eomma and appa want nothing more than their little boy."

I lift him from floor and take of his shoes. He has right sneaker on left foot and left sneaker on right foot, so he couldn't have left sooner. And I am glad for that because world is too dangerous for my kitten. I go to the living room and sit on couch with him. I gently sway him left and right and kiss him on his small nose.

"Don't leave, it would break eomma's heart."

Namjoon's POV

My nose still is still hurting like a bitch but at least it isn't bleeding anymore. I get dressed and walk downstairs where is Jin soothing Yoongi. I sit on couch next to them and caress his cheek.

"There was a spider. Really huge one and eomma was helping me to kill him."

"But why appa naked?"

Jin next to me blushed and he is now red as tomato.

"Because the spider got under my clothes and I was scared so I took my clothes off. Arent you scared of spiders too Yoonie?"

Yoongi nods and hugs us around necks.

"Thank you appa and eomma."

I and Jin silently give high five because we stopped Yoongi from seeing my dick and from crying as a bonus. But Jin still could have done it in gentle way instead of throwing me on floor.

Next day we go to shop furniture and other things for Yoongi's room. We spend whole day in different shops because Seokjin is thinking hard about every single item. Seokjin is looking for perfect bed sheets and I am trying to keep Yoongi in good mood. Suddenly some small blond boy comes to us.


I say hello to him too, but I have no idea who he is.

"I saw this little cutie and came to say hello. You don't know me, but I meet this boy and your partner in the toy store."

Jin comes to us but he doesn't look he knows who is this boy.

"I am the Kumamon mascot!"

Jin shortly tells me what does it mean.

"I am Seokjin, this is my partner Namjoon and this is Yoongi."

"Where are my manners! Park Jimin, nice to meet you."

Seokjin tells him that we are working on room for Yoongi. Our baby is whining next to us because he is bored.

"Yoongi I am Kumamon! I just don't have my costume right now."

Yoongi isn't much curious and wants to run off.

"Could I take him to the toy store? I will bring him back soon."

We are not sure because we don't know him.

"My father owns this mall so it would be for free. Please I just want to be friend with this little cupcake."

He tickled his sides and Yoongi is giggling. Maybe he needs Jimin as friend.

"Okay but I will go with you."

Maybe I am little bit paranoid but still. Jimin is cute and doesn't look dangerous but you never know. We go to the toy store and after hour Yoongi has new Lego, play-doh and I order play kitchen.

"Why are you working as mascot when your father owns this huge mall?"

"Well he wants me to see how hard are regular people working. I was working as mascot, in fast food, I am trying all the jobs here."

Jimin got message and excused that he needs to leave. He gave me his phone number and disappear in crowd of people while I go to find Seokjin. And he is still in the shop with bed linen. At the end of the day I am caring sleeping Yoonie around while Seokjin runs around the shops. Back home we are tired to build the furniture, so we go to bed. And next day I am putting the furniture together. Seokjin is holding Yoongi away because it is supposed to be surprise and I am swearing a lot because the fucking furniture is making fun of me or what. Finally before dinner it is done and Seokjin controls it for the last time. 

Yoongi's room

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Yoongi's room

After dinner we lead Yoongi upstairs and Seokjin covers Yoongi's eyes with his palms. We lead him inside and Seokjin moves his hands away. Yoongi gasped in awe and starts to clap his hands happily. He touches every toy in the room and then runs to us. He jumps in my arms and kissed us while saying thank you many times. It is really beautiful bedroom for our small boy and it is next to our bedroom so he won't be scared or lonely. And his smile washes away the suffering which I came through while creating his small kingdom.

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