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(Persephone's p.o.v)
Right now I'm running away from a hell hound that was trying to catch me. You might be wondering why I'm away from camp, it's because I have no one left.

At the end of the war, I found the rest of the 7 dead, Hazel's throat was slit by a rouge demigod, Frank tried to protect her but got an imperial gold Gladius to the heart. Thalia and most of the hunters were killed off fighting monsters and giants and Nico died by getting shot with acid from a Drakon. His cry of pain distracted will and he died also. At least they'll see each other in Elysium.

While Leo flew up with Festus to destroy Gaea, he blew her up but died in the explosion as well. Jason was hit by a piece of metal that flew off Festus and lost concentration and he fell. He was holding Piper so she died also. But sadly, Gaea got the last laugh as her stabbed my best friend, Annabeth, through the heart.

After the war, I went home to my parents but saw the building burning down. I tried to go in to save them but I was too late. They died as well.

So that brings me back to the conclusion as to why I'm away from camp. As the last remaining survivor of the 7, the gods would occasionally help me not die. i silently pray to Hermes, since he usually has the ability to run REALLY fast and get out of these types of problems!

He answers my prayer and tells me in my mind, (Telepathically) "Percy, my favorite cousin! I will give you my blessing of speed so you an run at the speed of sound. Do you accept?"

"Of course! Thank you so much!" I replied and I stopped running because I felt burning sensation in my heart and legs. I gasped and doubled over in pain. the Hell Hound cough up to me and it slashed at my torso. I let out a cry of pain and stabbed it in the heart. it blew up in a cloud of golden dust and I got up and ran as far as I could to hopefully get help.

I ran for about 2 minute before I passed out but little did I know, I just ran 500 miles.

(wally \ Kid Flash's p.o.v)

Robin was out on a mission along with Artemis, Connor and M'ghann. So it was just me and Kaldur at MT.Justice. I decided to go on a run since I had nothing better to do so...ya.

i was running at my super fast pace when I pass something oddly human. I skid to a stop and turn around to see a girl with raven black hair and blue highlights in it. She was wearing white converse shoes that looked kinda burn, like mine when I run to fast in my normal shoes. She was also wearing ripped jeans and a bright red crop top. I had to say, she was HOT! Wait... Red top?


"OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!" I yelled as I panicked. And I did, lose a lot of time doing so. i picked her up and started running at full speed to the cave. We came to a stop and I quickly entered. As I walked in, I heard her mumble, "your really...fast,

I placed her on the couch since I had a little amount of time to fix her up. I ran to get the first aid kit but she grabbed my wrist weakly and said, "Only water... I only need water."

By then, Kaldur walked in and immediately nodded and ran to get some water. He came back not a minute later with a jug of water. The girl took it and poured it on her wounds. They stopped bleeding and started to close. she looked up at us and snapped her fingers saying, "You will not remember what happened, only that I was severely hurt and you stitched me up."

She stared to get up but I grabbed her arm and gently.Put her back on the couch while saying, "You shouldn't get up. You could rip your stitches." She groaned but stayed put. Just then, I heard the rest of the team come in. Welp, this was going to be interesting.

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