Chapter 2

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Just wanted to say that I inspired this story from a PS game it calls The Last Of Us.

~3 days after~

Jungkook POV

We are going to convenience shop to 'take' something that we need.
We were walking quietly not to catch any attention of zombies nearly.

//time skip//
After went to the convenience shop.

We were walking back home when we suddenly saw a bunch of zombies there. Blocking our way.

"When they are there? I thought when we went to the shop they aren't there right?" Jin hyung whispered to loud unfortunately a zombie turn around and start to make noise and they came towards us. First we manage to fight them with our knife but Jin and Jhope hyung just hiding somewhere in the shop but when they come more it's hard to fight and they are attacking us. A zombie is trying to bite me and I was struggling of his strength. Then someone shoot it on the head. I trying to find it where the bullet came from,  but there's another zombie coming.

Jungmi POV

I was on a rooftop of a 2 story shop and trying to aiming the zombies on the road but then I saw 7 guys walking. I sqiunted my eyes to see more clearly and it's Bangtan Boys. They survive? Wah that relief me. They started to fight went Jin whisper to loud but you know Jin and Jhope hiding in a shop. When I move my eyes from them to the others back they are just fighting with a knife? They didn't even has a gun? Then I saw they all are struggling and I start shooting. I shoot until all the zombies dead. They all turn their direction to me but I'm wearing hoodie and they couldn't see my face. I went down and towards them and reveal my face.

"Thank you for helping us" Rapmon said

"Your welcome" I said

"Did you use a sniper just now? You have bullseyes"V ask

"Yeah... and thx. Do you guys even have a guns?" I ask and they just shook their head. I open my backpack and take out all guns I have.

"So um... Jin I know you are scare but this gun is for you for emergency"I said and give as he take it slowly.
"This bomb I would give to Suga and I will give a new knife to you. I saw just now you are the best using the knife." I said give it to him. " Jhope I know you are scared to hold a gun too so I will just give I knife"I said and give it to him." Rapmon... I will give a  double shotgun for you..." I said and give."Jimin same as Rapmon but it's a single shotgun since I know you are not to mean to kill 'people'"I said and give it to him." V... I think you should join me on sniper." I said and give the sniper." So uhm...lastly are more into fighting but as you all know zombies can't die with punch so I will give you a riffle gun. It will be faster went you reload it." I said and give it to him.

"H-how do you know us?"V ask

"Pft...who doesn't know Bangtan Sonyeondan"I said

"So you are a fan?" Jimin ask

"Yes..."I said
"So where are you guys going?"I add

"Uhm...our house..."Jhope said

"You guys didn't watch the news?"I ask

"Nope..what is it?" V ask

"Busan is the safe place to go. After 1 weeks they will bomb Seoul. So I'm planing to go there. Where you guys came from just now?" I said

"Ahh...we just came from convenience shop." Jin said.

"You have foods?" I ask and he nod

"You didn't find any food for you?"Jin ask worried and give me some bread went my stomach start to growling.

"So you have time stealing guns but don't have time to steal food for yourself" suga said and I just nod. Then I felt a grap on my shoulder I turn and it's a zombie I throw the bread and Suga catch it. I punch the the zombie, grab the knife that on my thigh and stab at the zombies head and push the zombie to the ground. I take out my handkerchief and clean the blood stain on the knife.

"Eww disgusting..." I said in disgust voice. After I clean I put back the knife on my thigh. I turn to them and their mouth are hanging low.

"What?" I ask

"You can fight? I could see your punch are strong" Rapmon ask and I nod

"Don't tell that you are Ellie from The Last Of Us" Jungkook said.  I put up a peace sign and smile sheepishly and his eyes were wide open. Well he play PS so no wonder he know the story of Ellie. She has already get bite by the zombie at her arm but in her body, it has that  good bacteria that can imune the virus of the zombie and I'm just like her. I got bite on left arm and I bandage it. I take my bread back and eat it.
"No my name is Jungmi, Jeon Jungmi" I said

"Can we join you to Busan?" Rapmon ask.

" sure?.."I ask

"Yeah...why?  something wrong?" He said and ask

"I'm scare you all are in danger"I said

"What do you mean? We won't in danger since you know how to fight and I'm sure you will protect us"V said and I nod. Honestly the scientists, I mean a bad scientists trying to find me to kill me and take all my blood for bad thing. First day, of this apocalypse, they had caught me but that night I escape so...they are finding me. That's why I'm worried of BTS. The scientists would do anything to them.

"Jungmi?" Someone called as I snap back in reality.

"Y-yes?"I said

"You have been space out" Jimin said

"Ahh...sorry.. let's go..."I said and we walk. I walk between Jungkook and V

"So Jungmi, tell me more about yourself" Jin said

"I'm 17 years old. Go to high school. I have a gang called Galax G."I said

"I now you can start call us oppa" Jin said

"Okay Jin oppa"I said and smile at him

"Jungmi?" Jungkook call and I turn to him

"Yes, Jungkook?"I said

"Where's the oppa?" Jimin oppa ask

"I thought he don't like someone call him oppa tho?" I said

" who's the lucky between us is your bias?" Jungkook ask

"It's a secret"I said

"Waeyo?..."V oppa whine

"You will know soon."I said

So here another episode. Long time no update lol. Haha so enjoy

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