Chapter 8

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We were walking until the night came. As Rapmon oppa decide to stay at this one house. When we open the door, we saw two men are standing infront of us but one of the men are hiding behind another men until we can't see his face?

"A-are you h-human?" The one that was holding a walking stick and was infront us said

"Yes, we completely are and both are you are fine?" Rapmon oppa ask

"Yes we are but did we really can trust tou guys?" The one holding the walking stick again said it

"Trust us" Rapmon said

"We just need to stay here until the sun is rise"I said

"Come in" they said and we went in the house.

"Introduce yourself" Rapmon oppa said as we sat on thw sofa

"I'm Lai-"

"Wait..oppa?!" Sian shout at the one is the scare just now. Wait waht is that her oppa

"Sian!! I miss you!"he ran to her and hug her.

"I thought you're dead..." Sian said to his brother

"So he is your oppa?" I ask her as they parted away

"Yes.."she said

"Btw I'm Lee Daewhi" her brother introduce himself

"And I'm Lai Guanlin" the other one said and we introduce ourselves

//2 hour's later//

We get along each other.

"It's time for dinner.." Jin oppa said

"Let me and Jimin hyung went to take something at the shop opposite this house" Jungkook said

"Okay...becareful maknae.."Jin oppa said.

After 15 min waiting they came back panting as we can see that a blood rushing of Jungkook thighs. My eyes wide open.

"F-faster Jungmi h-he got bite" Jimin oppa said and I hurriedly take a syringe from my bag and do what I suppose to do. But I could felt pain on my arm. After give my blood to him.

"A-are y-you okay Jungkook"I ask and it was weird went I felt so dizzy.

"I'm o-" then everything went black.

Sorry about late update. Lately I have been so tired and have many homework to do. And I'm sorry if it shorts. So for the story... what is happen to Jungmi. Read next chapter to find out and don't forget to vote.

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