Chapter 9

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Jungkook POV

"I'm ok-" I could see Jungmi is falling backwards. What the heck happen to her?! Then Jimin hyung catch her in time. He lift her and put her in the couch.

"W-what's wrong w-with her?" I ask with shaking voice.

"I don't know..."Jimin hyung reply

"Is she still alive?" Sian said and Jimin hyung put his fingers infront of her nose

"She still alive" Jimin hyng said

"I think it's because she gave us lot amount of her blood to us. When there's not enought amount in our body it'll cause faint or anything else" Rapmon hyung said

"She will wake up soon. May I borrow a small towel?" Jin hyung said and ask at Daewhi

"Wait here I get it with the water too.." he reply like he can read hyung's mind.

I feel really bad because of us she become like this. This is all my fault. I was thinking while they take Jungmi to a room

//time skip//

Jungmi POV

I woke up and my head is so hurt. When I open my eyes and saw Jungkook was holding my hand while his head on my bed sleeping.

"J-jungkook..."I call him and his eyes start fluttering open.

"Uh...huh Jungmi..."he just said that and staring at me.

"Why are y-you holding m-my h-hand?" I ask

"Uh...about that I feel so guilty. Because of us you faint right? I'm so sorry." He said.

"It's nothing. As long my favorite idol are safe I'm always be fine"I said and put a small smile. Then I feel my head start to aching. I groan in pain

"What happened? Do you want water? " Jungkook ask worriedly and hand me the water ask I gulp in all the water and it feels better

"Thanks"I said

"Jungmi!!" A voice calling me and it seem so familiar. The voice that I miss so much. She came and barge in the room

Minjae unnie came towards me and hug me.

"I miss you so much" she said and I hug her back . After a min she broke the hug.

"Jungmi..." Junyeon unnie call me and came towards me with the others beside her. When I said others it's mean Jaemin, Somi and Seulgi unnie. They hug me. After a min they broke the hug. Finally I can breath.

"So is this your friend?" Suddenly Jin came from nowhere.

"Yes.."I said

"How do you guys came here?" I ask

"We just trying to find a place to stay and we found this house has light see through outside and we thought that there's human in here and we are right" Somi unnie said and I just nod

"Where did you go after this happen when we were at school? We found you nowhere" Jaemin unnie ask

"I don't know where you guys. I came out from school and didn't see you guys anywhere" I said

"I think we should sleep now. Let me show the room girls" Jin oppa said and they follow him after give me a hug again.

"So...uhm...I'm going now..."Jungkook said and was about to left

"Wait..."I said and holding his wrist

"Yes..?"he ask

"Uh...huh..c-can you s-stay here t-tonight with m-me?"I ask

"Umm..sure"he said as he came back to his seat

"You gonna sleep there?"I ask

"Then where should I?"he ask me back and I move to side of the bed and leave some space.

"You can sleep here" I said

"Are you sure?"he ask and I just nod as he came and put himself on the bed beside me

"It's cold right?" He ask and I just nod. I face my back at him and try to go to sleep after a min I already asleep.

Jungkook POV

After a min after she turn her back on I think she's asleep.  Tonight is so cold. There's no blanket since her friends use it. I'm so cold right now and I can't sleep. Suddenly I think anfld idea it was a dump act. You know what it is...yeah I'm gonna hug a fan. Slowly I put my right hand on her waist and move closer and the feel of warm has increase. After a min I fell asleep

Please enjoy the story. Sorry for any mistakes. Please don't be a silent reader and vote.

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