Chapter Three

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Peter POV

Aunt May dead. Orphanage for three weeks....alone without Tony or May who is dead.

I woke up with a start as these thoughts pounded through my head. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Tony and Bruce watching me nervously. I moved to a sitting position as I blinked my eyes into focus.

"Hey kid. How are you feeling?" Tony asked me nervously.


I didn't know how to respond, my life was going into a sharp downward spiral. I wrapped myself around Tony and started crying silently into his shoulder. Tony just hugged me back tighter and sat on the bed with me.

"W-what's going t-to happen to m-me?" I hiccuped between silent sobs.

"Well... you have to go to the orphanage. I will adopt you as soon as three weeks is up, okay? We will deal with a funeral for May and all of that later, okay?" Tony mumbled softly to me.

I cried.

"Come on buddy we gotta get ready," Tony said picking me up from the bed and carrying me to the door.

"What! why?" I whined miserably.

"You have to leave at eight thirty and it is already eight. Social services expect you at the orphanage at nine," he mumbled softly while petting my hair.

I sobbed some more as he set me down on my bed and packed up my things for me. When I was all packed we said goodbye to the rest of the Avengers.

"We are going to miss you."

"Remember me."

"Keep your spirits up."

I said goodbye and gave hugs trying to keep myself together. When me and Tony got into the car and started driving to the Hell House I burst into tears. By he time we made it down to the orphanage I was dry sobbing and breathing erratically.

"Come on kid you need to calm down. It is nine we need to be in there right now," Tony said rubbing circles on my back.

"I d-don't w-want to go," I hiccuped.

"I'm sorry kiddo," Tony said grabbing my stuff and walking it up to the door.

I watched him disappear through the door and come back out without my stuff and who I guessed was a social service worker. Tony and the strange women walked over to my car door and opened it for me to get out. I looked at Tony and shook my head.

"Come on kid you have to go, I'm sorry," Tony said grabbing my arm and pulling me up out of the car.

"Honey follow me to your room please," the strange women said.

I started to panic.

This was what my worst fear was, losing everyone I love and being an orphan.

I swallowed dryly and started to pant.

This can't be happening Aunt May isn't gone. This must just be a prank, Tony can save me. This won't happen I can't, won't, be an orphan. Tony will tell me soon that it's a joke and Aunt May is waiting for me at the airport. I'm not alone, I haven't lost everyone, not yet, not my May.

"Kid breathe!" I suddenly heard Tony yell.
I realized I was on the floor wheezing for breathe and sobbing miserably. I looked up at Tony and grabbed onto him tightly. The women looked angrily at Tony.

"Get him in his room now!" She screamed at him.

"Give him a break he just lost his Aunt and is being forced to live here," Tony growled back at her.

"Don't let them take me," I mumbled into Tony's shoulder.

Suddenly I felt hands grab around my waist and pull me away from Tony. I looked behind me to see Steve pulling on me. I scowled pulling against him.

"What are you doing!?" I shouted.

"You have to go kid. I'm sorry but if you stay Tony will go to jail and you won't be allowed to get adopted by him at all. Lets... go," he said pulling harder on me.

I screamed in protest as he pulled me off of Tony and held my hands behind me. Tony looked at me mournfully before turning around and talking to the women. She nodded before telling Steve where my room was. Steve started dragging me there while I screamed for Tony.

"Please Mr. Stark! Please don't go!" I shrieked as he got into his car and started driving away.

Suddenly I felt a prick in my neck.

"What the?"

"Sorry son but you need to calm down and sleep. Tony will visit next week and no going out as Spider-Man," Steve said as my vision blurred.

"," I muttered groggily.

"It's for your own good," Steve said sighing.

Suddenly I felt the world engulfed in darkness.

Steve POV

I felt bad as I stuck the screaming kid with the sleep drug made specially for him.

"What the?" He questioned as he felt the needle prick his skin.

"Sorry son but you need to calm down and sleep. Tony will visit next week and no going out as Spider-Man," I said as his eyes started going unfocused.

"," he muttered groggily.

"It's for your own good," I said sighing.

He slumped against me as the drug kicked in knocking him out. I picked him up and carried him the rest of the way to his room. I set him down on his bed and unpacked his stuff. His room was extremely small like a closet. When I finished putting up his stuff I looked at him sadly and tucked him into the bed. I then rubbed my hand through his hair before getting out of the room and walking back down to Mary Kate.

"I'm sorry for the commotion he caused. If you have any issues call me or Tony," I said smiling at her.

She smiled at me and nodded her head. I waved bye and went outside to my bike. On my ride back to the compound Tony checked up on me.

"Sorry you had to do that I just... couldn't bring myself to do that to him. How is the kid?"

"I had to use the shot. Tony I don't think he will make it three weeks. You should look through some law stuff and get him out early."

"I will get stared on it right away," Tony said concern melting into his voice.

"Good idea," I muttered into the com, "the poor kids week is going to be like hell."


Shout out to itsyogurl-depression thank you so much for for the support and love you are giving me and my story! Hope you like this chapter too!!

Thank you all my other readers too!!!

Love you guys!

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