Chapter Nine

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Tony POV

As Venom charged at me, Bucky, and Steve, Bruce went over to the microphone and prepared the noise.

"Bruce hurry up please!" Bucky shouted as Venom got closer.

"One minute," Bruce grunted adjusting the mic and his metal pan.

Venom finally reached us and tackled me with a large clang noise. He immediately, and surprisingly, went for my torso instead of my hands. I easily threw him off and shot him multiple times with my repulsers until he decided I was not worth it and moved onto Steve. I watched full of fear, I didn't want anything to happen to Steve. The monster went for his hands and I almost laughed at his stupid mistake. Steve pulled him off and threw him towards Bucky who started punching him with his metal arm across the face. After a minute fighting Bucky he backed off. Bucky ran at him again and threw him backwards towards Nat. Nat easily kicked his butt because of how agile she was. Venom growled at her and jumped over her head charging at Wanda with big sharp teeth. She started fighting him but he got to close and bit her arm. She screamed and tried to get the monster off of her but it wasn't budging, so Loki sprinted over and used his magic to throw the creature backwards. When the monster was unhooked and flying through the air both Loki and Wanda backed away to the far side of he room. Venom came lunging back at them but Clint shot him with a taser arrow. Venom withered in pain for a few minutes and in those minutes I realized something.

"Guys, Peter told him the wrong weak points," I muttered through the coms.

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked confused like everyone else.

"I mean that Peter must have been asked to tell Venom our weak spots. I think Peter sabotaged Venom and told him or strong spots. And Bruce are you ready with your stupid device yet?"

"That makes sense," Steve muttered.

I modded my head before flying full speed towards Bruce and away from Venom. When I got to Bruce I realized that the doctor was still trying to connect the microphone to the correct wires and hook it up to the speaker. I sighed and grabbed the mic before putting in each wire in the correct place. Then as Venom got closer to us I lifted up the metal pan and threw it to the floor with an ear splitting clang. Everyone winced at the loud noise even with the headphones on. We all turned to Venom to see what had happened. He was on the ground withering in pain. The black goop was crawling on and off Peter who was also screaming. I dropped he pan back down for another loud scream to be heard from Venom and Peter. The black goo had almost completely detached from Peter.

"Bruce can you pull the last bit off?" I asked while Steve picked up the pan and started dropping it instead.

"No, if I did that it could have a traumatic effect on his brain. I don't know how to remove it safely and I don't want to test theories," he yelled over the noise while putting most of the black goop in a cylinder, "now Peter just has to be stronger mentally."

My face fell as I watched the kid withering on the ground. I kneeled down to him and squeezed his small clammy hand.

"Come on Pete you can do this. You are strong and I love you so so much. I'm so proud to call you my son and proud of how brave you are being right now. I need you back Pete, I need you back," I cried while squeezing his hand harder.

Peter POV

I screamed as a loud noise shot through the air causing me to curl up in pain. Venom also shrieked and I felt him starting to loosen his grip on my body. The loud noise struck again and I felt Venom's grip loosen completely, everywhere except my mind.

"I won't let go of you that easily," he shouted over the noise angrily.

Suddenly my vision went black and I opened my eyes to find myself standing in an endlessly long and wide black room. Panicking I looked around for a way out.

"Don't think I don't know who you are, rat."

I looked for the source of the voice when suddenly I saw a lump on the floor where I had been moments ago, it was my Aunt May. I ran to her and screamed when I saw that she was covered in blood.

"Peter, where were you when I needed you?"

I knew it wasn't my fault but non the less I cried and tried to hold her when suddenly she disappeared into thin air.

"Aunt May!" I screamed.

Suddenly both MJ and Ned were lying in front of me dead. I felt my mouth go dry, this was my worst fear. MJ stirred slightly and reached out for me as did Ned. I ran towards them and grabbed their hands.

"I trusted you Spider-Man and you killed me, you killed me," MJ and Ned both muttered.

I screamed in agony as I saw them fading away. I started breathing heavily and tears blurred my vision. Just as suddenly as they had appeared they had disappeared.

"I told you not to leave kid," a voice choked out.

"No," I muttered identifying who it was.

"You should have followed my orders now the Avengers are dead and I am going to die."

I turned around and went towards the lump making the noise. Hesitantly I turned the figure face towards me and started sobbing, Tony.

"I never loved you. I only wanted you for your powers, I hate you and I'm not proud of you at all. Never have been never will be. You are the reason I'm dying Peter, this is your fault. You don't deserve that suit all you ever did was insult it and kill people in it. I never loved you," he screamed before slowly closing his eyes and dying.

I screamed and screamed until I lost my voice. My eyes overflowed with tears and I started hyperventilating not knowing what to do or why he had to die.

"Having fun? Your not free of me yet," Venom laughed.

I screamed again as I heard another pan hit the floor and as it did I pushed Venom out of mind and felt his presence leave me, he was gone. I kept screaming and crying even after I felt the symbiote leave. After ten minutes crying and screaming I felt a hand on my shoulder slowly shake me. When I realized that someone was actually trying to wake me up in reality I tried to open my eyes, but they were heavy with exhaustion. My stomach suddenly flipped violently and I shot up puking on the side of me. I gagged up nothing except a black goop that had been stuck in my throat. I felt a warm hand on my back and looked up at who was helping me.

"Mr. Stark!" I yelped and hugged him tightly, he hugged me back.

Okay let me explain a few things.
1) the reason I didn't have Uncle Ben in there is because he didn't have that big of a part in Homecoming. Yes I know his death effected Peter but it wasn't as significant and I didn't want to make up the way he dies in Spider-Man Homecoming because I don't know how he dies. Also Peter seems to have moved on from it a little faster than the other Spider-Man's
2)Tom Holland's Spider-Man doesn't really blame himself for anyone's death, yet, that is why some people's death didn't effect him as much.
If you have any questions for why I did something comment or message me and I will answer happily :)

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