Chapter Eight

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Bruce POV

I saw the black goop in the trash can, told Tony, and then immediately got to work with analyzing it. I took down to my special lab and started poking and prodding the substance. It laid there lifeless and I realized that this probably wasn't all of Venom. With a disappointed huff I continued working on it and at least trying to figure out how to get rid of it.

"Jarvis, give me a rat please, for testing," I muttered to the AI still trying to figure out the strange thing called Venom.

I grabbed the rat that had been sent down to me and put it in a box. When it was secure I grabbed the testing cylinder full of the black goop and poured it in along with the rat. As soon as 'Venom' hit the ground next to the rat it sprung to life and encased the rat in a miniature looking venom. I watched the figure run around a little before it got tired and just laid down. When I knew for sure that the two materials were bonded I grabbed a match stick and metal sticks along with a metal pan, I had a theory. The Venom/rat thingy looked at me as I lit the match stick and brought it closer to him. I watched as the rat backed up into the opposite glass trying to get away from the open flames. I decided that would have to put an open flame next to him but that might injure the host, and we don't want to injure Peter any more than he already is. With a sigh I blew the match stick out and threw it away. Last chance was sound. I picked up the metal sticks and grabbed the metal pan placing it right next to the rat's cage. I lifted up the sticks and then with all my, human form, might I brought the sticks down. It made such a loud noise that even I flinched at. I watched as the rat withered in agony and scratched at itself. Then after I hit the pan a second time the rat started shaking and the black goop detached itself from the rat.


Peter POV

As soon as Tony hugged me and I closed my eyes Venom came out of no where and started talking to me.

"We need to defeat the Avengers now! They will get us unattached and no one wants that," Venom said.

"I want to get unattached," I growled weakly at the monster.

"No you don't! Now let's go we can't wait for the Avengers to kill us we have to kill the first starting with the one holding you right now."

I suddenly felt the control of my body leave as my eyes shot open. Before Venom could control all of me I shouted at Tony to run.

"What kid why?" He said looking at me worriedly.

"Please run, get Steve and fight!" I whimpered while trying to fight of Venom.

He mumbled something worriedly before turning and running out the door most likely to living room. My body suddenly jerked underneath me and I watched horrified as the black goo encased me. My vision was obscured then just as quickly I was able to see again. I watched horrified as Venom stared running towards the living room.

"Where are there weak spots?"

I knew I had to lie so I made him go for the opposite places that he should go for.

"Go for Steve's hands, Bucky's flesh hand, Iron Man's torso, Falcon's arms, Wanda's arms, Clint's torso, and anywhere on Black Widow and Loki," I said listing off all the people who were still at the Tower today.

"See this is why we are compatible," Venom growled sounding somewhat pleased.

I watched as I felt my legs and arms stick to the wall and crawl towards the elevator that lead up to the main room. We stepped in the elevator and waited until we got to the hallway on the upper floor. We crawled on the roof towards the door and prepared for battle. Venom grabbed the door and yanked it open with such force I was surprised it didn't fall off the hinges. We lunged into the room landing gracefully. When we looked up I was so surprised by what I saw that even Venom was frozen in place.

Tony POV

I heard the kid mumble to run but I sat frozen in place confused of what I had just heard.

"What kid why?" I asked worriedly.

"Please run, get Steve and fight," he muttered weakly at me.

"Dammit kid," I muttered before getting up and running towards the elevator.

I got to the elevator and then went to the living room where I saw Cap, Nat, Clint, Bucky, Loki, Wanda, and Falcon. They all turned to look at me worry etched on there faces.

"Tony? What happened?" Steve asked running up to my and grabbing my arms.

"Babe, we need to fight Pete," I whispered.

He looked at me like I was losing my mind but then he finally seemed to understand.

"Okay Avengers, we need to fight Peter/Venom while causing the least amount of damage possible to Peter. Everyone grab their gear and then me—" Steve started but was cut off by a loud bang from the other side of the door.

Everyone froze in place and grabbed what weapons they had. We all watched silently when Bruce feel through the door dropping metal pans and sticks.

"Thanks for helping," he muttered angrily.

"Calm down Green Bean. May I say what an entrance, on to remember and in case you didn't notice we too are having problems that need immediate solving! Pete is about to go full Venom on us so we need to come up with a plan. Also what is up with all of the pans and shit?" I asked completely baffled by the doctors entrance.

"This pile of shit as you so like to call it is our ticket to Pete's freedom," Bruce said a bit ruffled up.

"Explain," Cap said loosening his defensive stance of protecting me.

"Loud noises, extremely loud ones, make Venom detach from the host. I do believe that Peter will also have to fight him off physiologically but that is okay I believe he will be able to do it. I brought the pans and crap so we can hang them all around the room and make loud noises on them," Bruce explained.

"Great, but I do have a better modification to that plan."

"And what would that be?" Bruce asked a little to aggressively.

"I have five foot speakers, what if we hung them up around the room and had Bruce sit in the corner and hit the pan into a microphone. We also have headphones in the back room that can protect our ears," I said smiling widely.

Everyone in the room nodded and got to work. Steve and Bucky grabbed all of the speakers and set them up while Bruce positioned himself next to the mic holding his metal pan and stick. Natasha and Clint passed out the headphones making sure there was a pair for everyone, there was. Then we waited silently for Venom. A loud bang next to the door told us that he was coming. Venom burst through the door and landed in a strange position with his head down. He then lifted his head to see us and seemed in mild surprise by what he saw. I smiled at his frozen reaction. Venom quickly shook it off and stood to his full height glaring at us before taking battle stance.

"You won't beat us. We are Venom!" He screeched charging.

"Ya? Well we're the fucking Avengers!"


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