My Thoughts: Mines 😈

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"Mines" to Ammikka but was just in a IG models name Jasmin DMs asking her to go fly out for his tour. Ammika a whole goofy. He plays these chicks crazy and they stuck on stupid. For some odd reason, I like Krista more lmao he needs to bring her back cause this girl Ammikka I don't trust one bit she gives that same vibe Kae did plus she foreign and I heard she don't got her own shit sleeping on couches? Chris don't care that much about her if he can't purchase a damn mattress to sent her to Germany. Mess. Chris doesn't take her seriously if he still wants to fuck other girls while on HBOAFM Tour lmao. That "yours only" made me cackle. Girl, you just want his money and a green card and to not sleep on a couch anymore. She's weird obsessive girl to she stalked him and Kae for years prior. He fucks her while it's tour time then sends her back to wherever and is seen with the next girl on rotation. I don't take him seriously until he shows me otherwise.

These blogs make me laugh too go them as a couple but they don't know about him recruiting other girls for his harem. My fave is a hoe still love him though 🤣

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