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|Matthew Linton|


I kept reminding myself that she asked me out. Reassuring myself constantly that this was definitely a good thing; I could do as much two timing as I liked, and if Melanie ever found out, she wouldn't have any rights to have a go at me. After all, I wasn't the one promising to be loyal, plus this will only be our second date-something I've hardly ever done with a girl before. Usually, I would pick them up, take them to my amazing bachelor pad, grab us some beer, and then I would cosy up to them, give them one of my outstanding massages. What next? Why I would fuck their brains out of course. After that I probably wouldn't hear from them again. Certainly not because I was bad in bed, because honestly, I'd give myself a twelve out of ten. Arrogant, I know. I don't care either. But no, It's easier just to ignore them on snapchat, unless they send nudes.

Running a sweaty hand through my hair as I reached her front lawn. Another thing I haven't done yet, go to a girl's house. Oh wow, I'm full of many firsts with this chick Melanie. Then again, I've heard rumours about her mother. She used to be an athlete, just like that babe Jessica Ennis, she also goes to the gym and the fact that she is strong is a family trait apparently. Anyways, from what I've heard, if I hurt Melanie, I'd get my ass beat by her mom. Embarrassing, I know, that's why I have to keep my cool.

"Alright, here goes nothing." I smirked to myself, before walking up to the doorstep. Taking a deep breath, I quickly memorised a few cheesy pickup lines that I hoped Melanie would enjoy, and hopefully fall into my arms. Or on my cock.

Raising my fist, I was about to knock when the door swiftly opened, revealing not Melanie. But wow. There standing, less than a metre away from me, was the older, more mature version of that sweetheart Melanie. Her dark blonde wavy hair reached down to the top of her waist, and framed her heart shape face, complimenting her light olive skin. Her finely waxed eyebrows were raised at me, and a scowl was worn on her ancient, yet beautiful face.

You know what they say, you can still play good tunes on an old piano.

"Oh, you're not the Thai delivery guy." She spoke. Oh my days, her voice must've been laced with silk. I watched her tongue, move, and I instantly felt myself harden as I imagined her tongue swirling around the head of my cock.

Deciding to crack a joke, I thought this would be the perfect time. "Do I look Asian to you?" I chuckled humorously. The older version of Melanie quickly shook her head in front of me, her frown turned into a smug smile.

"You must be Matthew Linton." Hearing her say my name made me go weak and tingly everywhere. God, I'm such a girl. If just her saying my name with no emotion could turn me on, I wouldn't be able to cope if she was moaning my name, or screaming it.

"The one and only." I smirked even wider if that was possible.

"I've heard a lot of about you Matt. You better take care of my daughter, if not, you'll be forced to face the consequences young man." Her stone cold glare almost made me whimper back in fear. Christ, I'm acting like a pussy, in front of a woman! Deciding to man up, as some girls say in their high pitch squeaky voices, 'I already have a pussy, I don't need another one', I tensed up, clenching my fists by my sides. I was pretty certain that my shoulders and collarbone looked more defined now.

In the distance, I heard a faint groan from my dinner date. "Mom, I swear to god if you've scared off my boyfriend-" her annoyed face came into view to claim her nitty voice, and if I weren't mistaken, did she just address me as her boyfriend? Looking back up into those ocean blue eyes that belonged to none other than the Ms Bentley, who from what I've heard from Melanie's close friends, is happily divorced, which hopefully means she is also single and ready to fucking mingle. I smirked as I thought of me and Ms Bentley 'mingling'.

"Matty!" Melanie squealed, and ran into my arms unexpectedly. Her spaghetti like arms, which were nothing like her mom's nicely toned ones, wrapped around my shoulders, squeezing me into a death grip before she lightly pulled me down into a feather like kiss. Her lips were soft, but also sticky, as though she had gone through too much effort and smacked on a whole tube of lip gloss.

"Hey Mel, are you ready to go sweetheart?" I said as sweetly as I could, whilst looking into her mother's beautiful orbs. Melanie nodded eagerly, and gripped her hand over mine. As she waved a quick good bye to her mom, I didn't even bother winking suggestively, not when I had her daughter clinging to my arm.

"So where are you taking me?" Melanie asked impatiently. Before I answered her, I held her at arms length to quickly check her out.

As always, she looked the part. Of course being a cheerleader, her looks would always be important to her. Her denim skirt showed off her killer tan legs, and her coral pink halter neck top, brightened up her attire and revealed her pink diamond silver belly button ring. She didn't wear much makeup, of course she didn't need to. She somehow managed to avoid the bad side effects of puberty and always had flawless skin. Her blue eyes, which were darker than her mother's, stood out and her natural eyelashes were long and thick, perfectly black. Although I did hear from one of her cheer friends that she gets them tinted.

"I thought I'd treat you to a Chinese cuisine." I smiled at her, whilst linking her arm through mine. I watched as she giggled; she loved Chinese food, noodles, chicken, crispy duck and all that crap. I loved knowing that just producing a small compliment to her, could melt her inside. I believe I had that effect on her, well everyone. I walked her towards my small, yet cosy black one series BMW whilst whispering cute shit in her ear. I glanced behind us to find her glorious mother, still standing at the door giving me a death glare.

Wow, I hadn't even dumped her daughter yet and she pretty much disliked me already.

"Something tells me that your mother isn't too fond of me." I mumbled, as I opened the passenger door for Melanie. As she reached for her seatbelt, her eyes locked with my stormy grey ones.

"Ignore her. She's only trying to protect me from scumbags, but once she realises you're different from them, she will eventually warm up to you." She smiled sweetly at me. I smirked as I walked over to the drivers side and hopped in the car. Sweet, sweet, gullible, naïve Melanie. I'm not different sweetheart, I thought as I put my key into ignition. Oh how I'd love to put my key in your ignition though Melanie, and that also implies for your mom.

Oh boy how I will have a black eye when Melanie realises the reason I've taken interest in her. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy these little dates, but I also enjoy the sweet fucking afterwards. But somehow getting into Melanie's pants, or should I say skirt, is going to be a challenge. First of all I've heard from many people that she won't just open her legs for anyone, heck, she's probably a virgin. Secondly, I've been trying to get with her for a while now, being a cheerleader gives her lots of male attention, so I haven't quite had chance yet to get in the game. Until now, and since I'm in the game, I'm going to play until the very end.

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