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(tords pov)

i rubbed my eyes and and looked around me. 'where am i?' i thought. I was in an unfamiliar place. All i could remember was being in a doll shop and then looking at a doll that looked like. . "Pa?" I teared up. Why was there a Paul doll here? i rubbed my eye and stood up. I was in a cell, that was for sure but i didnt care what was around me, i needed to get out and find Pat. I heard shuffling and turned to face the noise "H-hello?"i looked out of the cell door, seeing other cells. One that was across from me held a young man, he looked to be in his late 20's, eh didnt look like a human though. His eyes were black and i thought of tom. 'No it cant be Tom' i thought. I continued to stare at the new fond man when soon i heard footsteps. The man i saw staring at freaked out. he had quickly stood and ran to the bed hiding underneath it. i staid at the cell bars when a figure appeared. It was a female with her hood down. She looked familiar "H-hello??" my voice was quivering, i was in a unknown place, i was scared. pathetic leader. The women in front of me smiled "Oh goody! your awake, not we can start the transition, or transfer, whatever word used for this" She giggled lightly (this isnt one of the flashbacks, those hopefully will come later in this chapter)

I looked terrified, Transfer? Transition? What? i was confused and i just let out a small whimper and backed away from the cell bars. She noticed this and giggled some more "Aw cute~ we wont hurt you, unless you do bad. Ill tell you the rules when the reunion is done" She opened the cell door and walked over to me, my eye widened and i went to go run around her but she must've been really quick cause she grabbed me by my waist and held me like a child "p-put me d-down!" She just smiled and wrapped a string around me, bonding my arms and legs together. I freaked out and wiggled around "Stop moving or ill call master on you and you'll be in trouble" That oddly made me stop and stay still. We soon started walking out of the cell and down a hall. i was silently freaking out 'Whats gonna happen to me? Am i gonna die? What happened to paul? Are they gonna make me into something? Torture me?' i silently started to cried unnsure of what to do.

She brought me to a door with a button and strings design on it. It was a nice design for the door. I think the girl holding me noticed my tears cause she kissed my forehead and my cheeks heated up, flushing a bright red. She giggled at me and opened the doors, still carrying me. I looked in the room and it was MASSIVE! there were long tables on both sides of the room filled with workers with hoods up. Fabrics, buttons, strings, cotton, and everything where everywhere. I noticed in the way back some rooms. They were average, small, square rooms with seats in them and they had straps. There seemed to be something on the ceiling but it was covered by the outside walls. A tall man strides over to me and the girl holding me. He wore a brown luxary suit like the man from that doll shop. I squinted my eye at him and than gasped "YOU!?" The man looked down at me "Why hello! i see your awake! Goody! Now we can start!" He walked off to one of the rooms in the back. The girl holding me walked after him and it wasnt until now that i noticed all the workers were looking at ME. I also saw some workers behind the girl carrying something but beore i could see what it was, my eyes were covered. I yelped and started squirming around "H-HEY! Wh-whats going on?!"

I felt movement and was set down on something cold. I could feel the string being removed and once it was off i attempted to get off the cold and run, but the thing or person was quicker. They pushed me back onto the cold item and put something else on me. They removed the cloth and i was inside the room, strapped down to the chair. They had taken off my coat and my eye patch. There were three workers around me, one was holding my eye oatch, another holding my coat and the third walked up to me to come and attempt to take my robotice arm off, which i noticed wasnt strapped. They came close to me and reached out for my arm. I hissed loudly at them and moved my arm away. They looked me in the face even though i couldnt seem their face. I growled at them and then what they i would've never expected. They put there hand on my face and carresed my cheek. I was shocked at first but then leaned into the soft and warm hand. I carelessly calmed down nand they grabbed my arm strapping it down, still rubbing my cheek. They let go and moved away, i blinked and then looked down at myself strapped. I started growling again and jolted around in the seat, making the seat 'clink' and 'clank' against the floor, but it never budged or fell over.

I panted from moving around so much. I heard a door open and looked up seeing, i think, the same workers come in with a doll? it looked to be like 3'8 or 4'3. It was small. Smaller than them, it had small little cat ears that went into horns but no one could tell cause it looked like hair. Promptly my hair. Its right arm was a lighter shade of pink than the actual skin tone of the doll. It had a soft fluffy stuff around the neck. It had button eyes and also a red shirt that looked like a hoodie. It had no pants but red boxers. They strapped the doll to the chair and left. I was sitting there staring at the lifeless doll before hearing a electricity sound. I soon feel a pain in my body and scream bloody murder. It hurt, it felt like i was being torn apart still alive. This happened for a couple minuetes and it ended but soon something came.

(Hey sorry everyone. I had to leave and I couldn't finish. But I'm back and I think I can finish this!)

Down from the ceiling. It looked like a huge gamma ray gun, with five rings going from large to small to a ball like point. There were two, a electric light connecting the balls. One was above my head and the other above the doll. I was confused until an electric light came down on my head and around me. I screamed in pain. Tears streaming down my face as I continued to scream and soon everything went black. I assumed I passed out until I opened my eyes, hearing a faint door opening. I looked up, everything was blurry and all I saw was brown and purple before I passed out.

~ timele skiple to when turd wakes up~

I sat up with a huge pain in my head. I brought my hand up, and rested my hand on my head.

My head was pounding, it felt like someone was banging my head with a sledge hammer. I groaned softly. I opened my eyes and looked around the room. It was unfumiliar. There was a small cotten bed that looked comfy, a tray of food on the small bed, there also seemed to be, Toys? they looked like little kid toys. 'why would there be toys?' i thought to myself.

I frowned at the toys and continued to look around. I was in a cell, taking notice of the bars. I groaned and stood up, i wobbled around like i couldnt walk.. I placed my arms infront of me to steady my balance fully, But that was a wrong move.

The Familiar Doll (Canceled-See new chapter for details)Where stories live. Discover now