Back to school part 4

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Ezra sat in his chair with a paper and pencil Miss. Morehead passed out. “Alright class, we have a new student, Ezra Bridger”. Ezra waved awkwardly as everybody turned to look at him. “Okay then, today is a free day. Soooo let me alone. Bye". (I swear she acted like this somethings….good times, good times). Miss. Morehead sat on her chair and worked on papers while the class began to talk and draw. Ezra, who had no clue what to draw, decided to draw the team. He spend the whole hour drawing until the bell rang. “Get out and don't come back….(laughs) just kidding. See you all tomorrow”.

Ezra walked out and down the hall only to see Sabine. “Sabine, what are you doing here?” “Kanan and Hera sent me to bring lunch” Sabine said as she gave it to him “You forgot it on the table” “Okay, but how do you get in?” “Easy, all these kids look alike,” Sabine said looking around “They’re almost around the same-” “Loth-Rat!!”. They turned to see Billy, Chase, and Timon walking down the hall. “Great” Eza mumbles to himself. “You,” Billy said pointing a finger at Ezra “Are going to get it!”. Before Billy could do anything, Sabine punched him in the face and flipped him. “Anyone else?”. Both Chase and Timon thought for a second but running away. “They are smart. They know not to miss with a mandalorian”. Sabine and Ezra moved around Billy, who is unconscious and walked down the hall before a crowd could form. “Thanks Sabine” Ezra said “No problem. I ran into him earlier in the hall. Had a bad feeling about him” “Are you becoming a-” “If you say Jedi Ezra, you will regret it”. Ezra laughed, making her laugh. “So where you heading next?”. Ezra checked him paper “History, than lunch, shooting and last English” “Alright. Well see you later” Sabine said and started walking away. “Wait, how are you going to get out”. Sabine looked over her shoulder and smirked “I have my ways around schools” “You mean you know where to go when skipping classes” “Maybe” Sabine said “You have to show me sometime” “Kanan is going to hate me for this but okay. Don’t hide in the bathrooms where the most classes are, that’s number one. Find one in the auditorium. No one goes in there” “Okay, any other places?” Ezra asked. Sabine thought for montent and snapped her fingers “You can fit in the vents, just hide in there” “Didn’t think about that one. Well I have to go, thanks for the lunch and Billy”. Sabine smiled and nodded. They want there separate ways and Ezra walked into class.

“Hello class. I am Mr. Dawn, your history teacher,” a man said “Today, we will be talking about Empire day and what it means”. Ezra sinked into his seat in the back. “Like I care”. Ezra just took out a sheet of paper and started drawing the whole class period. As the bell ranged Mr. Dawn called out “I want an essay about what I want talked about and much more. Due tomorrow”. Ezra just ran out and walked to the cafeteria. He pushed the doors open to see many kids talking and laughing. “Ezra!”. Ezra turned to see his friend Padme. “Over here, Ezra this is my friend, Ruby”. Ruby was a orange color twi'lek and with orange to red color eyes that shined. “H-hi. I’m E-Ezra” Ezra said. Ruby smiled “Hello Ezra”. That just stared at each other until Padme excused herself with a smile.

“S-so. You and Padme are friends right. For how long?” Ezra asked “For about a few years now. Your new right?” “Yea”. Ezra smiled. Soon the two started talking and laughing. After about 25 minutes the bell rang and people started moving out. “Maybe we should hang out sometime,” Ruby said “Here, my com number. Call me”. In the inside, ezra was going crazy but kept his cool on the outside. “C-cool. I’ll call you later or you call me. I don’t want to bother you at home or anything” Ezra said quickly. “No no, you’re fine. To be honest, I don’t like being home. Mom and dad are alway ‘Empire this’, ‘Empire that’, or ‘Wait until you are grown enough, you will serve your emperor proud sweetheart’. I hate it. I don’t like it. I want to leave, you know. I want to pick and my my own future, maybe become a rebel” “Oh Ruby, you have idea” Ezra thought “I will call you Ruby and we can talk some more”. Ruby nodded, said her goodbyes and left. Padme ran up to Ezra and laughed. “I never seen someone blush so hard” “What! No I wasn’t” “Sure” Padme sang. They walked together for a bit before Padme had to go right and Ezra had to go left in the hallway.

Ezra made it to Mr. Wright’s shooting class after getting lost and walking into 2 different class rooms. “Um, Mr. Wright”. Mr. Wright was a human male in his mid-twenties with sand color hair. “You must be Ezra, right?” “Right” “That’s my name” Mr.Wright said “Right. I know” Ezra said “Right”. Ezra was confused. “Okay~. You’re Mr.Wright” “Right” “That’s what I said” Ezra said and Mr. Wright started laughing. “I’m just playing with you Ezra. Come, and lets get you settled in. The shooting class was a walk in a park. Mr. Wright taught the class the normal safety measures and how to hold a blaster, which Ezra caught on quickly thanks to Sabine’s and Zeb’s blaster training. “Well done Ezra” Mr. Wright said as the bell ranged. They all walked out and headed to there last class. This time Ezra found the last class easily with no trouble.

“I am Mr. James or for short, Mr.J”. Mr. James was a human male also in his mid-twenties with jet black hair. “You must be Ezra, right” “Yes. nice to meet you” “Happy to have you, please find a open seat. Now class we got a message earlier about a student knocked out in the hallway. Billy”. Everyone became quiet and tense. “Now, I’m going to be honest with you all…..Good for him. He was nothing but a pain in my class about a year ago. Maybe this will teach him a lesson”. The class relaxed. “Okay so today is just a free class. Talk, get to know each other but not to loud. There are classes next door”. For the rest of the day Ezra talked with random kids around him until the bell ranged.

Ezra made his way outside to see Kanan next to a speeder. “Hey, Ezra”. Ezra turned to see Ruby walking towards him. “Hey Ruby” “I just wanted to say thanks for listening earlier in the lunchroom” “No problem” “See you soon….dear” and Ruby walked off, towards Padme, who waved bye to Ezra. “Dear?”. Ezra jumped and turned to see Kanan with a smirk. “She’s just a friend Kanan” “Right~” Kanan said walking towards the speeder. “Kanan! I’m serious!” “Okay kid. Whatever you say”. Soon Kanan and Ezra were riding back to the Ghost. “Hey Kanan, Ruby said that she wants to be a rebel”. Kanan turned his head slightly “Any reasons?” “Her parents are pushing her to work for the empire and she doesn’t want that. She wants to pick her own life”. They made it to the Ghost. As they were parking the speeders inside, Kanan said “If that’s what she wants, than that’s up to her. The more people rebelling, the more we grow”. Kanan climbed up the ladder and disappeared. Ezra tuned to the sun and the town that came from. He than reached for his com and dailed a few numbers.

“Hello, who’s this?” “Ruby, it’s me Ezra” “Hi Ezra. You know when a boy says ‘I will call you’ it’s normally the next day”. Ezra laughed “Well, I was thinking about what you said earlier and I might be able to help you” “Really?!” Ruby said sounding excited. “Yea” “Thank you..dear” “You’re love”. Little did Ezra know, Kanan and Hera were listening. “That’s is one lucky girl” Hera said “Why you that?” “That twi'lek girl has a Jedi who was taught to protect and to care for others. Like another Jedi I know” Hera said walking away. “Really,” Kanan said with a smile and pulled Hera into a hug from the behind. “Well, a padawan does pick after the master”. Hera laughed “Of course...dear”.

This is the end of 'back to school'. I always imaged ezra with his own twi'lek girlfriend like Kanan. Another story......hmmm the world may never know.

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