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   I woke up with a start. Phew, Just a dream! I rumaged through my pocket and retrieved my IPOD. I Flicked through the song list and Finally found one I liked. Punk Rocker - By Sandi Thom blasted into my ears. I kicked my shoes off and slumped into bed. I stared up at the ceiling and thought. I thought about my girlfriend, Carly and my mom, Jane. Then I thought about my dad and grandad, and their very mysterious, strange deaths. I know most boys would think about the great times they had with their fathers, and grieve tons. But me, I was just curious. Curious to the fact that I was bursting to know what happened in my Father's life and Why he died. Don't get me wrong - I loved my father, but some things just don't add up. I sighed heavily, and fell fast asleep, to the melody floating into my ears.

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