04 | Somebody Told Me

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"Can't you just be normal for once?!"

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"Can't you just be normal for once?!"

"See this icy white eye? I haven't been normal since the day I was born!" Jin shouted that last part to the sky, exuding happy confidence. I couldn't help but admire how comfortable he was in his own skin.

"Yeah, you're right. I don't know why I have such expectations of you!" My eyes grew wide, waiting for his predictable reaction. "You have a death wish today, don't you?" He snickered, rolling his neck.

Uh oh.

I immediately run for my life, screaming and laughing at the silliness of it all.

He surprised me from behind and swiftly locked me in a tight bear hug.


I struggled in his grip for a few seconds, giggling in between tries until he finally let go.

"Jin, why are you so damn tall and strong, I can never w-"

All of a sudden, I felt goosebumps rise upon my skin. The air around me turned cold.

Before I could even turn around, Jin had my hand in his and we were running.


Recurring dreams were awful. They were even worse when they were memories you'd tried to bury deep within the recesses of your mind.

It was Monday morning and I was on the bus on my way to class, drowning my lack of sleep in music as per usual. I needed something to fade out all of the raw emotions I was feeling.

I thought I had finally gotten through the worst of it a long time ago.

I felt a pull on my right ear.

"Hey classy lady, thanks for replying to my texts this weekend!"

"Ji Eun, I had the hangover from hell! I don't even remember how I got home. I mean, did I fucking crawl? Either way, my toilet and bed were my best friends for the weekend." I put my fingers to my temple, feeling a slight headache coming on. "I'm never drinking again." I slumped further to the left, squishing my cheek into the window.

Ji Eun stayed quiet for what seemed like ages, and then mumbled out something I couldn't really hear.

She was mumbling. Ji Eun never mumbled.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you." I questioned, taking out my other headphone.

"I said, it was Park Jimin."

Park Jimin.



Orange haired, stupidly attractive leather jacket guy.

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