Description of Experiment: The subject's ears were removed and replaced with better-adapted cat ears, and a tail was added to the nerves on the spine. The mouth was modified to be like that of the Cheshire cat. Chemicals added caused the eyes to become more cat-like and change color, along with the red streaks on the hair, ears, and tail.
History: Monaca came to the lab along with the 4 other members of the Warriors of Hope, on a supposed "mission" from Junko. This was actually a trap set up by #50 and Junko to knock out them and experiment on them. Monaca instructed the other 4 to search other areas of the lab to split them apart. After she split them up, Monaca came to Junko to become an experiment herself, and join the lab for good. Junko treats her like a younger sibling, and she has a room instead of a regular cell. She taunts the other experiments a lot, mainly the former members of her group.
K.Y Notes: Miss Towa is.. not a very pleasant person to speak with. Miss Enoshima insists I do a check up on Miss Towa at least once a month, and I always dread those days. But, mentally, she appears to be somewhat more stable, she's got slight insanity lingering in her mind, which I have no doubt she'll unleash someday. But other then that, she appears to be just a bratty little child who gets treated well because she's the favorite. As stated before: Miss Enoshima wants me to check up on Miss Towa once every Month, on randomized dates.