Forty eight/first time

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"You're so cute," Jinyoung says before kissing Daehwi's nose.

"No I'm not," Daehwi pouts, going to wash his hands.

They were currently in the washroom of the hotel lobby. There was a small wait for check in, so Daehwi wanted to use the washroom.

"Yes you are," Jinyoung smiles, hugging Daehwi from behind.

"Can you like... not do that in front of me? Thanks,"

Jinyoung turns around to see a middle aged white man staring at the two weirdly. He didn't understand a word he said but when he looked to Daehwi, he saw that he had anger written all over his face.

"Excuse me?" Daehwi stops to turn towards the man.

"You heard me. You fags really have no shame nowadays, move along," he says leaving Daehwi with his mouth open.

"Whatever, lets go Hyung," Daehwi says before grabbing Jinyoungs arm and walking out of the washroom.

"What the hell was that?" Jinyoung asks, gently taking Daehwi's hands in his.

"I- nothing Hyung, don't worry about it," Daehwi says, his eyes tearing up.

"Daehwi, What did he say?" Jinyoung lets go of Daehwi's hands and stares into his eyes.

"It's not important," Daehwi says, this time on the verge of crying.

"Shhh, Baby go sit over there while I check in, tell me after though okay?" Jinyoung says and Daehwi nods.

"This is it," Jinyoung says quietly before closing the door behind them.

"Wow," Daehwi whispers unenthusiastically, wiping the tears off of his face.

"Nice, huh?" Jinyoung smiles before pulling Daehwi into a bear hug.

"Now tell me what's wrong," Jinyoung falls onto the bed with Daehwi still wrapped in his embrace.

"It was really nothing Hyung, I just took it too much to heart," Daehwi nuzzles his head into Jinyoungs chest before sighing.

"Tell me," Jinyoung says blankly, moving his leg over so that it was on top of Daehwi.

"He just made a homophobic comment, that's all," Daehwi says, trying not to worry Jinyoung.

"Why did you listen? Why does his opinion matter? We're in love and we're happy, so why should his words matter?"
Jinyoung says before kissing Daehwi's nose.

"I don't know, I guess you're right," Daehwi squirms out of Jinyoungs arms.


"Hyung, I challenge you to this," Daehwi says, eyeing the game that was in front of him.

The two were currently in an arcade to waste time.

"Basketball? Really? I'll beat you in two seconds," Jinyoung says.

"We'll see about that,"

"What's in it for me though?" Jinyoung asks jokingly, and Daehwi smiles.

"If I loose I'll dye my hair," Daehwi says.

"What? How does that benefit-"

"Colour of your choice,"

"Now we're talking," Jinyoung says before grabbing a basketball.

To Daehwi's luck, he lost, and now the two of them were sitting in a hair salon, except only Daehwi was getting his hair done.

"Something bright like this," Jinyoung chuckles, and the lady nods excitedly. Luckily she spoke Korean or else Daehwi would've probably ended up with rainbow hair.

"He's going to kill you, but I like it," she grins, covering the mirror and Daehwi looks at them weirdly.

"What colour?" He asks, and Jinyoung smiles.


"Oh my god," Daehwi says, running his fingers through his now bright orange hair.

"You know I'm kind of mad that it looks good," Jinyoung says, staring at his boyfriend.

"It's... bright," Daehwi laughs, standing up.

After a whole kitty fight over who was going to pay, Jinyoung and Daehwi sat at the bus stop, waiting for a certain bus to come.

"What number are we waiting for?" Daehwi asks, linking arms with Jinyoung.

"740 young man," Jinyoung says in a low voice which makes Daehwi chuckle.

"Thank you sir, have a good day," Daehwi replies in a deep voice before bursting out into laughter and leaning his head on Jinyoungs shoulder.

"I love how your hair turned out, it actually looks really good," Jinyoung says, playing with Daehwi's orange hair.

"I don't like it, it's too bright," he pouts.

"Well you lost the game so-"

"You two are cute together," an older lady says in English, and Daehwi's cheeks turn to the colour of a tomato.

"Thank you," Daehwi says smiling, lifting his head up from Jinyoungs shoulder, "I appreciate that," he thanks the lady.

"I can see the love in both of your eyes. Don't ever let those sick people break apart your relationship like they did to my son, keep doing what you two are doing," she says, and Daehwi frowns.

"I'm sorry that had to happen to your son ma'am," Daehwi says, and she smiles.

"Don't worry about it, does he not speak English though?" She says, smiling at Jinyoung.

"No, we're from Korea but I speak both because I lived in America. My mom lives there," Daehwi says.

"Ah, that must suck being so far away from your mother like that, but at least you two have each other," she smiles, and Daehwi nods.

It sucks, but not that bad because when your mother doesn't even bother to ask how you're doing you kind of forget that she was once a part of your life.

"Baby, our bus," Jinyoung says, intertwining his fingers with Daehwi's.

"Ah, our bus is here," Daehwi says, and the lady waves them off.

"Wait, this is where the bus took us to?" Daehwi says before stepping off of the bus

"Yep," Jinyoung takes Daehwi's hand in his and they start running towards the gate.


Jinyoung took Daehwi to Disneyland on their first day in Tokyo,

And it was Daehwi's first time.

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