First Appearance: AG Pandora's Box

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YAY I'm back finally with the first real update in Author's Games Hall of Fame - I know, I totally should have done this sooner! So sorry; but I'm here now! :) 

Pandora's Box synopsis: A Hunger Games writing competition done by myself (jesusfreak202), sarsar14, Jamie007, and ariel_paiment1. It's different than the other Author Games competitions out there, with our twist on them. Come and join writers... If you think you can survive.

 If you think you can survive

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24 characters were made, from each of the 12 districts of Panem. We had amazing writers in this competition, but the character Egan Blake, written by wynterblack, immediately took first place in task one.

 We had amazing writers in this competition, but the character Egan Blake, written by wynterblack, immediately took first place in task one

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But there were five tasks for the writers to prove themselves and the competition was close. They wrote to their best, going from a bloodbath in a maze that constantly changed, to fighting various creatures in different parts of the arena all the while the tributes had to escape the radiation gas before it killed them, from being changed to their worst enemy and running through a natural disaster, to facing their evil twin and at last, the opening of Pandora's Box itself. 


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