The Blue Ribbons for Samurai

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Even though it took me MONTHS to update the awards for Samurai (oops) I hope you guys were still able to enjoy them. If not, here they are again so we can all reminisce together.

The Most Intense Battle was written by music1or1books  for the character Ren Sanada. Her entry for Battle Task Four was her best entry, a perfect blend of action and description and her emotions it was massively intense and nothing compares.

Most Bloody Description goes to Kyou Asai for Task 3, written by ariel_paiement1 . The way she described the bodies made me cringe the entire time. If I cringe, you know it's really bloody.

Most Creative Tactics hands down went to Several7s and her character Naoki Hojo. Every single Battle Task, she'd have something new and unique, completely genius, making me scratch my head and read in awe at the same time.

Most Hated Enemy. This one I had to put in there simply that my character, Nobunaga Oda, was the most hated character in the entire games. He was cruel, sadistic, which matched who he was in real life. I guess I portrayed him right :)

Hardest Opponent in Battle goes to Jyubei Takeda written by JesterheadJohnSnow. His clan fought vigorously until the bitter end and he was a fierce opponent as a writer and only quit the games because he had to, not because he officially lost.

Overcame Many Obstacles goes to Toshihiro Ukita written by TARDIS_at_221B_ hands down. Every battle she faced ended with heavy or decimating losses but no matter what happened, she constantly strived and fought and continued to improve and she never once gave us. Most impressive!

Anyone here remember Samurai? It was pretty tragic and intense, right? Who remembers? Ahhh, to reminisce! 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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