《Zefyr》*no music*

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"Shhhhh! Quiet..." brother whispered.
I froze, waiting until I was sure that the soldiers were gone. Brother slowly got up. I got up too. We then opened a cupboard to get the last pieces of bread, we both then ate slowly. Brother then spoke and broke the silence between us, " Zephyr, I promise you I'm gonna make our lives better, a life where we can go take a walk in the park without troubles, a life where we can sleep on a real bed and eat real food, a life where we can buy things that we want not what we need. I won't let you live like this, I promise you." He gave a warm smile and I suddenly felt like crying, but I held it in. I gave a slight nod and smiled back. Ou parents had died when we were young, cruel people imprisoned them and they died in a gas chamber. Brother has been taking care of me since then. I've always hated those soliders, I wanted to fight back, who do they think they are to treat us like dirt? If I could I would give them a piece of my mind! My thoughts were interrupted by fast footsteps. And when I turned around...a gun was pointed at me and brother...

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