✞play fight

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You and cesar were in your room watching a movie but he kept tickling you which was getting annoying

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You and cesar were in your room watching a movie but he kept tickling you which was getting annoying.

"Babe stop i want to see how it ends." You whine pushing his hands away.

"Billy dies and mary ends up marrying Tommy, but is pregnant with Billy's kid." Cesar spoils the movie.

You frown as he turns the tv off. "Now give me love and attention." Cesar whines.

"Asshole." You say causing him to look at you. "Huh?" He asks.

"I said asshole." You playfully slap his arm. "Oh now you wanna fight?" He chuckles pinning you down.

"You are cheating." You whine since hes so much stronger. He just laughs and ends up smacking you with a pillow.

"CESAR!" You shout grabbing another pillow and smacking him back.

You guys ended up having a pillow fight until he gave up and laid down. You quickly straddled him trying to pin him down.

"Dont you ever spoil a movie like that again. Okay?" You tell him as he just smiles at you.

He just laughs and nods. "Now can you give me love and attention?" He pouts. You nod your head and kiss him.

He holds your waist as you continue to kiss him then make your way down to his neck. Cesar just bit his lip as he moved his hands down to your ass.

Then you heard a familiar voice. "Having fun there?" You turn to see Ruby and Jamal standing by your bedroom door awkwardly standing there.



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