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Today you were going to Ruby's house to see your boyfriend Cesar Diaz and your close friends.

But before you did you went to the liquor  store by your house to get water.

You walked in and couldnt help but notice something wasnt right. You saw latrelle and one of his homies were there.

Latrelle looked at you and so you quickly paid for the water and walked out.

But before you could run away latrelle yanks your arm so you cant move.

"Whats the rush? Lil spooky getting worried?" He laughs making you uncomfortable.

You try to push him away but he got mad and pushed you instead.

You were obviously smaller and not as strong as him and he probably had a gun so at this point you just let him do whatever.

He pushed you against the liquor store wall with his body. You could feel him breathing on you and you started to cry.

You were scared he would do something bad to you but before he could his friend told him the cops were coming so they both dipped.

You try to breathe normal again and then you walk to Ruby's house still crying. You tried to stop but you couldn't because of how scared you were. Before you opened the door you wiped your tears.

You open the door and see Ruby, Jamal, Monse, and Olivia sitting on the couch talking.

"Hey y/n." Everyone said as you sat on a couch next to Monse since Cesar was sitting next to Olivia and Ruby.

You look at monse and she looks at you concerned noticing your puffy eyes. She quickly grabs your arm and took you to the kitchen.

"Why were you crying?" She whispers making you cry again. She quickly pulls you into a hug.

Then you felt her let go and then more muscular arms were wrapped around you. You knew it was cesar because of his beautiful scent.

He didnt say anything he just hugged me and kissed the top of my head.

"What happened?" He asked now concerned. You just shook your head no clearly not wanting to tell him. Especially since he would be mad and do something dangerous.

But if you didnt tell him he would get angry at you. So you just take him outside of Ruby's house and sit on the chairs. You decided to sit on his lap so he couldnt just run and leave to do something bad.

You wrap your arms around his neck and lay your head on his shoulder as he rubs your back gently.

"I went to the liquor store and latrelle was there and so i walked out and he followed." You tell him.

Once he heard you say latrelle he started getting mad. "Did he hurt you?" He asks getting frustrated as he looks at you.

"Well it doesnt hurt anymore."

"So he touched you." He says getting up but you wrapped your whole body around him.

"Y/n get off me i need to go do something." He says trying to pry you off.

You held on tighter and started getting stubborn. "No dont do anything." You tell him.

"I need to. He touched my girl." He says so angrily.

"But im okay now." You smile at him.

"But he needs to learn not to mess with you at all." He starts walking towards his house probably to tell oscar.

"Babe i said its fine just drop it." You start getting annoyed.

"No im not gonna drop shit. Im gonna kick his ass right now." He says mad again.

You didnt know how to stop him so you decided to try one thing. You grab his face and kiss him making him stop walking.

"Lets just go to my house." You persuade him.

"I guess i can kick his ass another time..."  he says kissing you again.


Cesar Diaz Imagines | on my blockWhere stories live. Discover now