✞senior pt.1

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Request from king_River


It was your senior year in high school and you needed to make bank.

All your life now consisted of going to school, tutoring, then going to work at Javier's taqueria.

Your family didnt have the money to send you to college so you had to work for it yourself.

Well actually thats all you really did.

You didnt go to high school parties or hangout with your friends on the weekends.

All you cared about was money for college.

One day after school you went to the library as usual to tutor people.

"Hey Mrs. Smith." You greet the librarian as you look at the list of tutors and who they are assigned to.

Cesar Diaz. Hmm sounds familiar.

You looked over to see a guy sitting by himself.

You then walked over to him.

"Cesar Diaz?" You ask as he looked through his book nodding his head. Not even looking at you.

"Okay well im Y/n l/n." You say as you say across from him.

He looked like he didnt want to be here.

"So you need help with english?" You ask trying to start something up as you notice his book was on Romeo and Juliet.

Oh great.

"Yeah." Is all he says. "I dont get it." He shrugs.

"What part?" You ask as you put on your glasses to scan through the book.

"Im supposed to write an essay on whether or not Romeo and Juliet were truly in love. How are we supposed to know? The only people who could know this is them." He says as he finally made eye contact with you.

Now you recognized him. He always went to Javier's taqueria with a bunch of gang members.

"Well..." you say as you set the book down.

"I see what you are saying.. but if you think about it they were young and havent really had much experience." You shrug.

"It doesnt matter how old you are. If you're in love then you're in love." He says as you just nod.

"Well if thats what you believe then just write that." You say as he rolled his eyes.

"I dont know why i came here. You were no help." Cesar says as he grabbed his stuff and walked away.

Okay damn.

After Cesar walked out on your tutor session you just decided to go to work.

You werent going to let him kill your whole day.

"Hey Javier!" You say as you grab your notepad and a pencil.

"Hey baby boo." Javier said in a good mood as he served a table.

"Go take that tables order." He says as he points to the Santos walking in.

You couldn't help but notice Cesar.

"Great." You mumbled as you walked over to them.

You took their order. "Y/n can we talk?" Cesar asks and you just looked at him and just walked away.

"Go write your essay." Is all you said before walking away.

Five minutes later Cesar walked up to you.

"I just wanted to apologize for being a dick earlier. I was just dealing with a lot." He sighed.

"Yeah i understand." Is all you said before he looked at you.

"Can i make it up to you?" He questions.

"How?" You question as he just smiled.

"Can i take you on a date?" He asks which took you by surprise.

"You dont have to take me out on a date as an apology." You giggle as you clean the tables.

"But what if i want to take you out?" He questions nervously. "Would i have a chance?"

You just looked at him and smiled.

"Maybe." You smirked.


ATTENTIONNNN CESAR LOVERS! I made a Cesar fanfic called "meant for me"

Go read

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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