Hospital Visit

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Namjoon's POV:

I raced to the counter, trying not to break anything. CRASH! Woops. I stared at the vase lying on the flower. Several wilting flowers were on the ground lying in a pool of murky water. Seriously? Do you call this a hospital? Seokjin hyung pushed past me.

"Sorry about that. He is an autistic kid who has some anger issues. We are looking for Jung Hoseok?"

"Yep. He is currently being analysed. Please sit down with the girl over there. She is admitted him. And also, the vase costs $30."

"Cheap stuff." I whispered, earning a glare from Jin hyung and the counter lady. I huffed and grabbed my wallet and slammed down the $30.

"Definitely has anger issues." I heard her mumble. My eye twitched in annoyance.

"Hurry up Joon."

"Right right." I made my way to Eunji who was sitting scrolling through her phone.

"EUNJI!" Hongyun pushed past me and went to hug her friend.

"Hey Hongyun. Oh, you brought them? Cool. Let's go. We have no more business here." She stood up to leave. That is, before Jin hyung grabbed her wrist.

"Thank you for admitting him and contacting us. We don't know how to repay you. And also, please stay. I am sure that Hobi would like to see you and thank you." He said calmly.

"Thank Hongyun for contacting you. I just dialled 119 and the ambulance came. Despite the fact there were some... minor complications. Anyways, I have no purpose here. He can thank me at school."

"Ummmm... actually, there is something that I would like to talk to you about." I piped up. Everyone looked at me weirdly. I quirked an eyebrow. What? Was there something on my face?

"Fine. Make it quick." I dragged her to an empty room. Namely, the unisex bathroom. It was awkward. Really awkward.

"Right. So ummmm. Why did you admit Hobi when you hate him?" "Hate him? Why would I hate him?" She frowned.

"I mean it's obvious. You hate me, you hate him, you hate all of us. In fact, if you didn't hate us why do you want to leave so quickly like we're some parasite?"

"Maybe because I actually have something worth doing instead of prancing around like spiders controlled by the Imperius curse, belting out useless lines that are supposed to 'stop depression'. Well, you might want to change that goal cause it is not only giving me depression it also makes me nauseous."

"How is it making you have depression?" "Simply because your lines are so cliche and romantic. Only a minority of songs actually have a sense of social equity!"

"Ummmm. Right." I facepalmed myself. I seemed to be doing a lot of 'ummmm-ing' recently.

"And that is why I will be leaving." She spun on a heel and prepared to leave.

"Wait! If you don't hate us and if you actually care about people then stay and at least see how he is doing." "And why should I do that?"

"Because if you leave.... that would be proving that you can't face a bloody wounded person. Which equals no courage." I made an extremely lame lie on the top of my head. What happened to your IQ of 149 Namjoon? Did your embarrassment knock it right out of that noggin of yours? I mentally cursed myself. She raised an eyebrow her eyes boring into mine.

"Fine. But as long as you don't tell him that I admitted him. I don't need someone thanking me like I was some great hero. And don't get me wrong. I am NOT staying because of you but because I need to talk with Mr. Fake-Smiles."


And with that she left.

Wait.... fake smiles?

Marshmallow-nim: hello. This was short as well. I have been feeling really lazy recently. Also, pay some attention to SassyRoyal2711 if you also like diverse adventure/romance books. They are really popular and are humorous 🤣.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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