84. Jackson's inbox (4)

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|is it me or is kunpishit acting like a bitch lately|
|like i know hes got a cranky attitude but this time hes a different kind of cranky|
|but i think hes mostly moody to me|
|like to me only|
|but i dont know. hows he treating the rest of you guys?|
|better than me?|

|i think so.|

|but why?|
|what did i do?|

|beats me|

|that bitch|

|have you tried talking to him?|

|i tried|
|but he wont tell me his reason|
|was there something i did?|

|why should i know|

|you know i almost screamed at him today actually|

|what! why?|

|i was annoyed and was close to snapping at him bcuz he didnt take me seriously|
|i can tell there is something going on|
|a conspiracy|
|thats what im  going for|

|hey really random but... have you remembered something?|

|about what?|

|about what happened in bali|
|ya know, during the night|
|i really cant remember much and i was hoping youd fill in some gaps|

|specifically what?|

|at the party maybe|
|i couldnt remember much and im still not sue if it was a success of not|

|i dont remember much either but if that was the case then it was success maybe|
|guess im glad to be still alive|

|that's fortunate|

|but back to the bambam incident|


|i actually addressed how it was bothering me and was close to kissing him with my fist but unfortunately to the company's policy about violence, he was spared.|
|now i know what jinyoung feels|

|i dont know what to say to that|

|that now i sympathize jinyoung for his struggles|

|i dont think it's much of a struggle|

|do you have the slightest clue why this is happening|


|what are you doing?|


|no offense but i feel like youre not 100% with me.|
|you may be responding but not totally.|
|you also take quite a while to respond|
|are you doing something else?|


|yeah what?|

|im also chatting with my family so its hard to respond quickly|

|oh sorry|
|ill leave you to talk to your family.|
|i know that familys important so you take your time|


read 6:29 pm


i feel asleep for an hour twice.

so as you guys can see mark is very honest.

i need sleep

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