The Rising Storm

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         The sky cracked as a sudden burst of light filled the air. A small black and white kit whimpered beside his mothers body, now cold as the earth and streaming with water. The small kit tucked closer to his mother, trying to find the warmth and comfort that his mother usually gave him. He laid there not caring about the pounding rain that had now soaked him to the bone, he looked at his mother, though the rain was washing away her blood he could still see a giant puddle of blood beneath her. Slowly the world around him became dark and hazy, the pounding thunder above fading in the darkness. 

        The kit woke up, the ground was soaking wet, the sky was clear and blue, his mother scent was completely gone now and replaced with death. The puddle of blood still below her and trailing away into the darkness of the forest. As he tried to get up his muscles screamed with discomfort and stiffness. He groaned but forced himself to his feet, he could feel his strength fading and looked longingly at his mother, wishing for her milk as he has not yet grown in his teeth. He started walking away in search of a new food source, nearly collapsing multiple times.

        The sky was now milky red as the sun was beginning to set. The kit has now been walking for a whole day and night without any nutrition, he was ready to collapse and surrender to any force that is pulling at him. When he came to a large meadow and collapsed, his breathing fast and shallow, his stomach growling for food. Suddenly he could sense another cats presence, he looked up and found himself looking into the eyes of a large jet black. He instantly tried to get away, remembering his mothers warning of staying away from adult tom cats. He began whimpering as the tom slowly came closer, he eyed the toms claws, expecting them to slash out his throat. Instead the tom gently slid his paw under him and begin to lick his fur. His muscles slowly began to relax as the tom continued to show no signs of aggression. He looked into the eyes of the tom, he could see himself reflected in the toms eyes, he noticed their eyes were exactly the same. "W-who are y-you?" he mewed weakly. Instead of answering the tom just put his paw over the kits mouth and meowed calmly, his voice low and strong. 

        "Hush now, it is not your time to die, you have a great future ahead of you so relax...... You are safe." The kits eyelids began to droop, he tried fighting the black wave washing over his vision so he could ask the tom more questions but before he knew it, he was fast asleep. Questions were going off in his head, all of which he could not answer. Who was he? Why did he say I had a great destiny before? And... who am I.....?

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